Chapter 6

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~ 3rd Person POV ~

" Sure! I'm okay that you are bringing Jungkook along so that you won't be lonely..... " Jimin said as they both dried off their wet hair. Jimin smiled until he realized what Taehyung just told him. Since when did Taehyung talk to Jungkook to get him to come to the movies with him

" When did you and Jungkook talk? Since when did you guys talk?" Jimin asked and the younger male rolled his eyes. " Oh trust me, it was a long story. To make it short, Abby on the team was flirting around with Jungkook, and since I knew he probably wasn't going to stick up for himself so I did it for him. He is just repaying me"

" I surely don't want to be the third-wheel, Jungkook just wanted to make up for being rude to me," Taehyung said as he walked to his closet, looking through his clothes

" That's sweet and make sure to wear something nice!" Jimin said as he walked into the bathroom

" Why? "

" Because Jungkook is going to be there, duh..why wouldn't you dress cute for him. Haven't you been trying to get his attention for two days in a row?" Jimin asked as he put on a shirt and some lotion

" Why would I dazzle myself up just because Jungkook is going to be there-....this is not a date, and don't plot anything," Taehyung said while pointing at his best friend

" I'm not! " Jimin said as he squeezed himself into his black skinny jeans. Taehyung rolled his eyes and put on a red and white shirt stripe shirt with black jeans

" and you just happened to wear Jungkook's three favorite colors," Jimin said as he try to hold in a laugh he didn't know how but it looks like his best friend was trying to dazzle himself up for the shy male

" How would I know what the boy's favorite color is?" Taehyung said while laughing and grabbed his headphones, phones, and wallet

" Don't you want to bring a jacket? It's going to be chilly outside " He said as he grabbed his jacket. Taehyung shook his head no and both of the males walked out of the dorm. They walked down the hall to see some of the students walking out of the building to watch the movie

" Wow, a ton of people are watching the movie...where is Yoongi? Jimin asked immediately and Taehyung tapped on his shoulders and pointed to Yoongi and Jungkook walking towards the both of them

" Hey, Yoongi!" Jimin said while hugging him tightly. " I missed you," Yoongi said with a big smile on his face. Taehyung's brown eyes flickered over to Jungkook who didn't have his glasses on but, he is looked really good

"Hey," Taehyung said as he walked up to Jungkook. The younger male had on a red shirt and ripped jeans

" h-hi...." Jungkook said as he waved at him a little

" so, do you guys want to go to the concession stand before the movie starts?" Jimin asked and everyone agreed. Jungkook didn't go out like that so he followed Taehyung around, kind of following him around like a puppy

Yoongi and Jimin decided to share a big cart of popcorn, of course, they would. Jungkook and Taehyung both got their cartons of popcorn along with their drinks

They both made it back to Yoongi's big car and Yoonmin sat on the hood while TaeKook sat on the roof of the car. The field started to fill with people from the college. The huge projector in from of the field

The two males looked at Jimin and Yoongi as they both were holding hands and whispering in each other's ears

They both wanted the two boys to come to the movies yet they were barely paying attention to what was playing on the wide and open screen

" Aren't they supposed to be watching the movie- how are they going to invite us to the movies than not watch the movie?" Taehyung said as he placed his hand on his hip

Jungkook smiled a little and looked down at his hands. Taehyung was a talkative person so he didn't know how to respond to most of his questions

" You're not much of a talker are you?" Taehyung asked as he looked over at Jungkook who was playing his ripped jeans. Lord, Jungkook was so quiet

The taller male nodded his head and Taehyung smiled. " I know I tend to talk a lot but you don't have to force yourself to talk to me," Taehyung said while looking at him. He didn't want to force Jungkook to talk to him, he wasn't that type of person. He'd never force someone

Jungkook felt himself smile at Taehyung's comment. It was really rare for people not to get upset at Jungkook when he doesn't talk. He was just silent and kept to himself

" T-thank you...I'm just anti-social so I don't talk that much...m-most people don't l-like it " Jungkook said while looking away, not wanting to get embarrassed

Taehyung moved a little closer to him. " There shouldn't be a reason why people don't like it. Most people just prefer to stay to themselves most of the time and that's perfectly okay. No one should judge anyone about it honestly " Taehyung said while looking at the movie

Jungkook smiled a little at his response. Taehyung was a genuine and kind person, Jungkook felt stupid for judging him. He felt stupid for making himself believe that Taehyung was just some stuck up cheerleader when that wasn't the case at all

" I'm sorry..." Jungkook said without knowing

" What? Sorry for what, you didn't do anything wrong " Taehyung said while looking at him. His silver hair was all over the place due to the heavy wind. Jungkook picked at his ripped jeans, getting nervous

" For generalizing you...thinking that you were like all of the other cheerleaders and stuff," Jungkook said while playing with his fingers

" Hey it's okay, You've had bad experiences with cheerleaders. Bad experiences can make you feel a current way about someone so I don't blame you. I've been hit on by the whole football team, which makes me stay away from them so it's understandable " Taehyung said in a soft tone of voice

Jungkook nodded his head and they both turned their heads back to widescreen

Taehyung wrapped his arms around himself, feeling like a dumbass because Jimin told him to bring a jacket and he didn't. He never listened to his best friend

He bit his bottom lip as he wrapped his hands up and down his arms, which started to form goosebumps due to the coldness. God, he was such a fucking dumbass

He looked at the movie but soon, felt a warm material wrapped around him. He looked up to see that Jungkook has given him a jacket

" you don't have to do-"

" It's's the least I-I could do s-since I w-was being rude t-to you for nor-reason. I have a l-long sleeve turtle neck on s-so I'm not that c-cold " Jungkook said while laughing a little, getting upset that he was rude and mean to Taehyung for no reason

Taehyung smiled at him and Jungkook smiled back at him

For once, Jungkook felt like he kind of had a decent friend

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