Part (2)of 7 / Chapter 8

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My idea evolved when I saw her in my swimming pool right beneath my bedroom window. While the water trickled to her white slip, the details began clicking.

I voiced it first to Angelo. It was already fixed the moment I spoke of it, but really it only occurred to me that my decision was made the moment I heard Angelo call her "la mia bellissima cognata."

Yes. She would be a beautiful sister-in-law to Angelo. Honestly, the only family I gave a fuck about. The perfect granddaughter figure to Rosa. While not her mother, she would give Cora a good upbringing. For me, she would be the perfect wife. I didn't need to marry her to fuck her. And fuck her, I must do. But this was a two birds, one stone kind of idea. It was a convenience.

This was no doubt why I had gone to Portsmouth. Why else would I go all the way there other than to check the background of the woman I was going to marry?

Chapter Eight.


He had asked that I come to his office. Antonio never asked. He demanded. Although Armando never said it like that, I knew I had no other option than to obey rather than creep into bed with my interesting novel, as I had originally planned to do. No. When the master summoned, everyone obeyed.

Now, back in that room where I first met the man, I felt as unnerved as I did that first time, under his dark look. My safe haven was too far away to reach.

He looked especially intimidating today. Standing next to me with his hip leaning on his desk and his arms casually resting on his thighs, he gave the aura of nonchalance when his razor-focused eyes on me implied the opposite. Perhaps it was because he was in black and white today. He looked like the devil himself, ready to strike a deal. I had the sudden urge to get up and run in the opposite direction. I wanted no part of this.

"There's a problem, Divya."

My head shot up from where my eyes had been. I hadn't realised it, but my eyes had somehow settled on his groin area.


"My ex-wife has asked for a motion for custody of Cora."

This was the first time I had heard anything about his ex-wife. Everyone, including Rosa, was tight-lipped about the former Mrs Capizzi. Except for Rosa's "maledetta donna malvagia," whatever that meant, I knew nothing more about Cora's mother. How bad could the woman be? I understood Rosa's loyalty, but a child needed both parents. I couldn't imagine my life either without my mum or dad.

"Hmmm, that isn't too bad, is it? Isn't shared custody ideal for Cora?" I continued despite his deadly silence. "A child needs both parents. She needs her mother."

Cora does not need her mother." His tight voice held a vein of anger in it. The room filled with sparks of tension till that's all it held. He moved off his table and walked towards the windows, watching the gardener mowing the lawn outside.

"Her mother doesn't even want to be a mother. She dumped her off in a laundromat for fuck's sake."

"Wait. What?"


I remembered that story. It had been on the news but just as suddenly been taken off the media with no mention of any names. That was Cora? The security cameras had caught a woman smuggling in a baby inside one of the washers. Shortly after, a man came in and picked her up. One minute, the images were available to be released to the police, and the next, they weren't. Both the images and the baby were nowhere to be found.

He turned towards me with cold eyes. The warm swirl that I found in his eyes was nowhere in sight. "My ex-wife loves her drugs more than her own flesh and blood. I had some kind of control over her when she was pregnant, but she let go after she gave birth."

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