Chapter 10: Stalking one of our roommates

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I don't think I can face him...

I don't think I can face him...

I don't think I can face him...

"It's nice to see your face less damaged," was the first thing that came out of Blake's mouth when he saw me.

I couldn't help but instinctively graze my left cheek with the back of my hand where the bruises once were. I'd hope to miss his homecoming but they caught me leaving my room to get water.

I cleared my throat and went to speak but nothing came out. We stared awkwardly at each other until Logan interjected.

"So what are everyone's plans for Christmas break?" she asked casually.

They all walked further into the living room while I still stood in front of the kitchen sink.

"I'll go first I guess," Logan said cheerfully when no one answered her.  "I'm going to the States for a gymnastics competition. Sunny old California!"

Blake carefully took a seat on the couch still looking sore from his surgery. Logan leaned up against the arm of the couch as she spoke to us whereas Ben chose to sit at the dining room table.

"Someone else go," Logan begged desperately. "Please."

Blake sighed and said, "I suppose if I'm well enough, I'm going to London on business with my father."

I couldn't tell if he was excited or not. He didn't look annoyed to maybe be going but he also didn't appear to be enthusiastic about it either.

"Great, thank you," Logan laughed and clapped her hands together once. "What about you, Ben?"

"You're looking at what I'm doing," Ben shrugged. "I'll probably get around to finally reading some of the books that have been on my reading list."

Logan frowned at him. Her forehead creased with disappointment and she rolled her eyes at him.

"Ben that sounds sad! Aren't you going back to America to see your family or anything?"

After she asked him that it made me wonder how much of his past Ben had shared with her.

"He doesn't have a family to go back to," I sighed heavily joining the conversation.

Logan glared at me like I had just cursed them out.

I hadn't said it to be an asshole I said it as it was because it was the truth.

"He's right," Ben nodded in agreement getting Logan's gaze away from me. "It will probably just be me and Parker here at the apartment."

A small smirk grew on his face as he finished his sentence.

The way it sounded out loud made it sound so pathetic. I don't mind being here with Ben, not that I'd ever tell him that, but it just reminded me more that I had nothing.

Originally I was supposed to go to one of the Carolinas, whichever one Holden was from, and visit his family. Obviously, the plans changed.

"Well you guys are just sad," Logan complained softly. 

Ben shrugged and then put on his jacket. He looked between me and them awkwardly while slowly making his way over to the door.

"I have to go but I'll see you guys later..." he told us suspiciously.

"Where are you going?" Logan asked quickly blocking the path to the door.

He was acting sus...

"Probably has a date with his girlfriend," Blake teased.

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