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Atsushi's pov :

He looked at dazai as he read a text on his phone , then got comfy next to Atsushi .
"What about chuuya ? "
"he's gone home "
"Oh "
"It's fine I'll see his ugly face tomorrow , how are you feeling ?"
"Ok , what am I gonna do tomorrow if I'm not going to school ?"
"I don't have work so we can lounge around and I think you need to finish your history essay still "
"Okay "
"Do you want me to stay here till you fall asleep ?"
"No , I'm okay now . Plus you look like you need sleep as well "
"I do , good night Atsushi "
"Night dazai "

Atsushi just stared at the ceiling . How is he ever gonna go to schools again after today ? He as already a weirdo , now he definitely deserves the name freak .
Also how is akutagawa fertility away with everything ?
Even though Atsushi knows it's because he hasn't told anyone he's the one that made him cry , broke his phone and is just a bully towards him .
But he can't think about that now , he doesn't have to go to school tomorrow so he can relax .
But he does have to think about what dazai said , with the anxiety help thing .
This is the first time he'd blew up over school infront of so many people , and dazai .
Normally he'd wait to get home and cry in his room or the bathroom .
But akutagawa took it to far in his eyes .
Atsushi loves art and he was so proud of his work , but now he doesn't really care .
Now thinking's about it , the online person who ever complimented Atsushi's art was the art teacher and everyone thinks she's crazy.

Maybe Atsushis crazy too .
He has no friends and talks to himself .
No one likes him .
He bets no one noticed he wasn't in lessons except the teachers .
But that's online because he's a massive kiss ass .
That's only be he wants to be noticed .
But Atsushi also knows that will never happen .
He'll never be notified .
So what's the point in trying ?

He didn't even notice he had started crying again .
He can't bother dazai as he'd been through a lot today .

Atsushi holds his breath and walks to the bathroom , locking the door behind him .
He can hear dazai snoring through the walls so he can let go of his breath .

He sat on the side of the bath and cried .
Cried , cried , cried like a little baby .

Then he remembered something akutagawa had said on Tuesday.
"Aw don't cry , your such a baby , you should really - "
Akutagawa never got to finish that sentence .
But Atsushi could only imagine where it was going .
Even if he did , who would care .
Dazai might , but he'd soon get over it.

He stood up and looked at his in front of the mirror .
He looked horrific = normal .
He turned on the tap and splashed water on his face .
He opened his eyes , them landings on a very bad idea .
But Atsushi didn't care .
No one did .
So he did it .

Dazais pov :

He woke up and yawned .
Checking his phone for any messages .

Kunikida 6:34am - the president wants you in today to do the work you missed yesterday.
Dazai 7:21am - I can't I have to take care of Atsushi.
Kunikida 7:23am - is he sick ?
Dazai 7:24am - no.
Kunikida 7:25am - then you have to come in , the president said so , you can askt to leave early if it's that much of an issue .

Dazai left him on opened and went to Atsushi's room .
He was still asleep.

So he put on some slippers and knocked on chuuyas door.

"What the fuck do you want dazai ? "
"Can you look after Atsushi for a few hours ? I have to go to work "
"Fine , I'm working from home today anyways "
"Great , I'll go tell him , thank you chuuya I owe you one "
"You owe me a lot more than one"

He shook Atsushi to wake him up , he groaned and turned over .
"Atsushi "
"What ?"
"I have to go to work I'm really sorry , but chuuya is gonna come over and hang out with you "
"Okay "
"Good , I'm gonna ahead out so you'll be alone till he gets here "
Atsushi just groans against and rolls over .

Dazai gets dressed and takes the agency car .
Arriving just after eight .

"Your late "
"I'm always late get over it sweety"

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