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longest chapter I have ever written in my life - 1398  words 🌟

Atsushi's pov :

Because of dazais pestering , Atsushi had left 15 minutes earlier than usual .
So instead of having to run as they live so far he took his time and looked in shop windows , even though he could never afford anything they have up .

Eventually he makes it and he's only got 10 minutes before home room so he sits at an empty table and pulls out his phone.

He flicks through Pinterest for a few minutes till his phone gets ripped out his hands from behind him.

He turns around only to see akutagawa and his 'friends' standing behind him with smug faces.

"What you looking at freak , Pinterest ? That's so gay , looking for wedding dresses ?"
"No "
"Oh don't lie , you know you were , you also know that this is our table so why the fuvk are you sat at it ?"

Akutagawa leans down so he's face to face with Atsushi .

"Sorry , I didn't realize -"
Before he can finish the bell goes .
"you better not be here at break or your phone won't be the only thing I break "
"Wait what ?"
With that said , akutagawa drops his phone to the floor and stomps on it , hard .
Atsushi's jaw drops , it took dazai months to be able to afford him that phone .

Bit his jaw was soon picked up , by akutagawa .
"Don't look so sad freak , I did you a favour , it was a shitty thing anyways , you'll thank me "
He lets go of Atsushi's face and walks away , his 'friends' following close behind .

Atsushi picks up his phone hoping maybe some miracle that it wont be broken , as soon as he picks it up the whole front screen falls off revealing the wires inside .

All he can do is sigh , there's no points crying about it as that's not gonna fix it .
Putting as much of the broken pieces in his pocket as he can he walks up the stairs to home room , arriving just as the second bell goes .
"Just on time Mr nakajima , take a seat please "
"Yeah sorry sir "

Luckily for Atsushi his home room teacher Mr D or Dostoevsky for long is quite layed back in the mornings.
He takes the registration then allows everyone's to talk to their friends or if they don't want to do that they can go on their phones .
But now Atsushi doesn't have any friends or a phone , so he sits there with his head on the desk and waits for the third bell to ring .

After 30 long minutes the bell goes and he walks to his first class of the day , English .
Atsushi likes English , as he's good at it , he reads a lot so he already knows about most authors they talk about .

He takes his seat by the door and opens his book , messily writing down the date and title , as much as Atsushi loves reading and writing he can't write for shit . He's tried every pen and every way of holding a pen , even those weird pen grips for toddlers but his hand writing always looks like he's being held t gunpoint .

As it's the begging of the new year , most lessons are revision for upcoming tests . But they never get around to doing any of that as akutagawa and his 'friends' are always distributing the class from the back .
Well not to akutagawa but Atsushi likes to blame him too .

After that colossal waste of time he runs to art as it's one of his favourite lessons and not one of akutagawa or his 'friends' are in this class so he can work in peace .

"Atsushi I do love you art work , always brings me up from a down and believe me I was in a down , I have first years before this "

Atsushi's art teacher was a lovely woman and she always put a smile on his face , even respecting that if she spoke to Atsushi he won't walys talk back.

"Thanks miss I'm glad "
She gives him a smile and walks away .
The piece Atsushi is workings on is a self portrait that's wonderful 20 % of his grade .
He'd done the black and white on weeks ago and had to wait for everyone else to catch up , but now he got to one however he wanted , which is how he liked it .
Atsushi hates being told what to do , but he'll do it anyway .

"Ok have a good rest of you day kids - Atsushi we've spoken about this , go to break and eat "
"I'm almost finished "
"Exactly your be even more excited for next time now scram I'll see you Wednesday morning"
"Ok "

He washes his hands and leaves , walking to the lunch hall .
Sitting as far away as Akutagawas group as possible .

He sat there just eating a chocolate bar dazai had gotten him weeks ago .
Then remembering he had to finish an essay for his history class , which he had next .

He hadn't finish it as him and dazai share a laptops and dazai needs it for cases so he couldn't use it , and if he was desperate he'd use his phone but that was now broken .
He's just gonna have to hope his history teacher is in an understanding mood .

Walking into history felt like he was being started down by the teacher .

"Ok text books open you know what to do , Atsushi a word outside please "
Atsushi reluctantly followed .

"How come you haven't hnded in you essay , I know it's normally late but this is three weeks late Atsushi "
"I know I'm sorry sir , dazai had to use the laptop for a murder and my phone is broken "
"Ok , you have till the end of this week or I'm going to have to fail you , go and start your work "
"I I'm don't have my text book or book "
"Atsushi really ? Go to the library and get one and I'll give you some paper , this is a one off okay "
"Ok thank you sir "

He sighed in relief and headed downstairs to the middle floor to the library .

"Hello Atsushi dear what can I help you with today ?"
"Hi miss , do you have any second year history text books left ?"
"Your in luck , theres one , being it back by the end of the day honey"
"Of course , thank you "

He decided to take the long way , which was a mistake .
"Hi freak , what you found freaking around down here ?"
"I went to the library -"
" 'i went to the library' how pathetic , you can't remember to bring your own text book - or is that you can't afford one as I know you and dazai San are poor -"
"Boys what are you doing out of lessons ?"

They stopped and turned around , their head of year Mr fukuzawa .
"Well ?"
"I went to the library "
"Im getting board pen "
"That doesn't including have a chat , lunch detection for both of you now go "

Atsushi went back to his lesson and just sulked for the whole double .
"Atsushi you have a lunch for truancy , oh this must be for the library I'll go down and explain "

That was fortunately sorted , and as akutagawa was still in the detention , Atsushi could enjoy his lunch as his 'friends' don't go near Atsushi without Akutagawas presence .

He ended the day with geography and maths which went quite well and quick .

Walking home was the bad part .
Assuming chuuya is working so akutagawa had to walk as well , the entire 30 minutes he and his 'friends' just threw things at Atsushi from behind and called his name's .

Slamming the door when he gets in .
"Bad day ? I saw you got a lunch what happened ?-"

Dazai had started talking but it was frown out by the start of Atsushi crying .
"I'm sorry "
"It's okay it was only a lunch -"
"No I'm sorry "
He pulled his 'phone' out from his pocket .
"Oh , what happened ?"
Dazai pulled him into a hug .
"I fell and it broke , I know how long it took you to get this I'm so sorry "
"Atsushi it's just a phone , as long as your ok I don't care "
He nodded.
"Your just have to go phone less for a while "
"I need to finish my history essay or he's gonna fail me "
"Ok you do that and I'll start on dinner "
"Okay "

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