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Fixed mistakes 🌟

Atsushi's pov :

Atsushi gets woken up by his 6 o'clock alarm , even through school starts at eight .

"Atsushi are you up ? "
Dazai knocks on his bedroom door .
"No "
"Very funny get dressed "

He rolls onto his side and looks at his phone .
No texts .
He isn't suprised , he doesn't talk to anyone other than dazai and he finished school years ago .

After a massive sigh he gets dressed .
Him and dazai aren't the best for money so most of Atsushi's uniform is clothes from dazais co-workers which they gave out of pity .
Atsushi has never met them but according to dazai they're all 'idiots' anyways .

He walks into the kitchen of their small one floored flat , that's another reason Atsushi doesn't have any friends , how could he possibly bring anyone over here .
"You hungry ?"
Dazai is sat on the sofa shoveling cerios into his mouth .
"Yes , do we have any bread ?"
"No I used it up to make you a sandwich for lunch "
"Did you put cucumber in it ?"
"No Atsushi , and no one puts cucumber in a sandwich anyway "
"So what am I supposed to eat ?"
"go ask chuuya he went shopping yesterday "
"No that's so sad , and if he has as much money as you says he does , why does he live in a shitty flat next door ?"
"Don't swear , he has money but Didn't spend it all like me "
"So we couldn't have been rich ?"
"Possibly "
"Your unbelievable "

Atsushi walks back to his room and closes the door.

Dazais pov :

He feels back Atsushi is having to live like this but it could be worse .

While he's putting his bowl in the sink for Atsushi to clean later .
The door gets banged on .

As dazai opens it he gets kicked in the shins - by chuuya .
"Ow , what if Atsushi had opened the door ?"
"Who ?"
"My kid you idiot !"
"He never opens the door and of a matter of fact I've never met him so I pretty sure your lying "

After above 5 seconds , a door across the hall opens , showing a very confused Atsushi .
"What ?"
"You know who chuuya is don't you ?"
"Your rich friend "
"You told the kid I was rich - I'm not rich kid "
They both look at Atsushi who just stared back at them .
"Say Atsushi why don't you let chuuya drive you to school , so you don't have to walk "
"No I'm good "
"I'm not gonna bite kid "
Chuuya takes off his hat as he looks at Atsushi .

"no I like walking -"
"What a load of shit , you complain all the time , what's wrong with chuuya ?"

Atsushi's pov :

Chuuya isn't the problem .
His kid Akutagawa is , for some reason he doesn't like Atsushi .
"nothing I just want to walk , leave me alone "
He then slammed the door .

Dazais pov :

Him and chuuya stood there .
"You can go then , weird he's never done that before "
"Ok whatever "
Chuuya leaves and dazai goes to Atsushi's room .

"What's wrong ? "
"Nothing "
Atsushi is sat on the floor tying his shoe laces .
"Well something is clearly bothering you "
"You are bothering me "
"How ?"
"You can't just ask me stuff like that "
"Why ?"
"Because it makes me look weird"
"Why didn't you want to let chuuya drive you ?"
"Because I - I don't like him "
"Why ?"
"Can you stop saying 'why' , I just don't ok , I have to get going bye "
"Ok bye then , have a good day -"

Atsushi was gone .

Slow updates as I'm back at school 😢

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