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The Alcatar Castle

Lazarus lazily strode toward his throne, a menacing smirk adorning his face. Each of his steps echoed through the hall, creating an eerie atmosphere. His gaze was fixed on the female figure seated on the throne, legs crossed, clad in tight leather pants and high-heeled boots.

"Annika, darling, you're provoking me again," he uttered sensually, approaching her slowly.

She snorted, looking down at her long, black, sharp nails.

"You know very well that the only place I like to be provoked is in my bed. Get up!" he commanded sharply.

Annika directed her gaze towards him, a corner of her lips curling into a wicked smile.

"And you know very well that I don't respond well to orders!"

In the blink of an eye, he was beside her. He roughly grabbed her long, black hair and tilted her neck, his lips lightly brushing against her ear.

"I told you not to provoke me."

"And I told you I don't like being ordered around!"

He kissed her roughly, still holding her hair. His tongue delved deep into her, almost suffocating her. She bit him hard, forcing him to retreat.

"Witch!" he thundered, clutching his bloody lip.

She looked at him with a satisfied smile, licking her lips slowly.

"Watch yourself, Lazarus. You forget who I am. Just because I sometimes submit to you in bed doesn't mean you can treat me however you want. I'm not your subject!"

"Haha," he laughed loudly. "Get off my throne!"

This time she obeyed him, lazily rising to her feet. He sat in his place, never taking his eyes off her. He always had to be wary of the witch, especially the most powerful one, the leader of the Witch horde from the north.

"I heard your fiancée ran away with your handsome son," she said sarcastically.

"Don't bother your pretty head with that detail, I have everything under control."

"Do you even know where they are?"

"Siktir!" he replied sharply.

"Ah, I see, that's why you needed Romana. You're planning an attack!"

"The attack is already underway," he smirked ominously.

"I hope you haven't overlooked the fact that the princess of Alcatar and your son are both of mixed blood. It would be inconvenient if they fell in love. They could ignite a war."

Lazarus clenched his lips discontentedly. "I should have killed him when he was born!"

"But your own ambition blinded you. A horde of daytime walkers? Come on, Lazarus, you should know better."

"Every move I make has a purpose. You don't need to worry about my plans."

"I do if I'm involved in them!"

He quickly wrapped his arm around her waist and seated her on his lap. "You're always involved in all my plans," he said sensually.

"Don't sweet-talk me!"

"But you love it when I do."

"Stop it!"

His smirk widened. He knew, despite everything, that she wasn't immune to his charm. "Tell me, Annika, is everything ready?"

A sinister smile returned to her face. "And why do you think I'm here?"

The border between Siktir and Notturnia

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