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Izzy's entire body trembled as she slowly tried to stand up. She staggered. This time he had thrown her too hard. He didn't hold back. She felt like every bone in her body hurt. She looked at her bloody palms. She roughly brushed the dirt off herself and spat out blood. Slowly, she picked up the sword lying next to her. It was smaller and lighter, forged just for her, but at this moment, it felt heavier than usual. She tightened her grip on the handle, ignoring the pain. Her palms burned.

"Again!" Sebastian thundered.

She gritted her teeth and moved towards him. Sebastian stood nonchalantly, appearing disinterested, as if he didn't notice her, but she knew better. Tall, broad-shouldered, clad in a combat leather outfit, he had his back turned to her. Dark hair fell halfway down his back, gently swaying in the breeze. She attacked fiercely, leaping high into the air. Her elven blood made her more agile and faster than most humans, but not faster than Sebastian. He turned abruptly, blocking her sword strike. At the same time, he swept her legs, throwing her onto the ground.

"You never attack in anger. You should have learned that by now!" he said gruffly. "Training is over for today!"

She continued to lie there, breathing heavily. The hood slipped off her head, revealing her long black hair. He leaned over her.

"You need to cut your hair. It's too long", he ordered.

"Your hair is halfway down your back, and I don't see that as a problem."

"Yes, but unlike you, I look like a man. In the future, bind your chest tighter. It's noticeable," he said sharply.

"It's noticeable because I'm a woman!" She slowly sat up. "Dad, I'm twenty years old. How long do you think I'll pretend to be a sixteen-year-old boy?"

"As long as it's necessary", he thundered.

"People will start noticing".

"Then we'll move again".

"We've been moving for nineteen years. Someone will notice sooner or later."

"Not that quickly. Your mother was an elf. Their lifespan is incomparably longer than humans."

"But you're aging. You won't be able to play the card of a young and charming father for much longer."

Sebastian just smiled.

"Then I'll be your grandfather".

"Dad, I'm ready!" she clenched her fists.

"You're not."

"I'm twenty years old..."

"You can't beat me in a fight", he shouted, looking intensely into her eyes. "You know you can't match my strength, but you also know you're twice as fast and agile as me, and you can use that to your advantage. You have the technique. I've been training you since you started walking!"

"Then what's the problem?" she asked, almost in tears.

"The problem is in your head", he continued in a calmer tone. "The problem is that you're impatient and immature. You're not ready!"

"When will I be ready then?"

"When I say so!"

"You weren't much older than me when you got me".

Sebastian sighed, looking away. "I didn't have a choice, and neither do you", he whispered. "You know who our enemy is and how powerful he is. You won't get two chances."

"Dad, I didn't mean to..."

"Izzy," he approached her, placing his hands on her shoulders. "Look at me!"

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