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After Max left, I could feel the exhaustion taking over my body. I let the need take over and fell asleep. Not only did I dream, but I screamed bloody murder.
... "Good morning, fucking rat." I turned my head to see Trey standing right in front of me. I was in a cell again with big metal bars.
" What do you want? You already took everything from me!"
" Oh, sweetheart, you have no idea. Yes, I killed your parents and kidnapped you. But I have had the urge to hurt something because your filthy uncle has been on my nerves lately. So I'm going to hurt the one thing he loves." He started to walk towards me, but I stopped him mid-stride.
" You're a fucking idiot. He has never loved me. Whatever you do to me won't hurt him. All he cares about is his image." Now, I looked at the concrete floor with parts of rice on it from my last meal yesterday—a single bowl of rice.
" Yes. You're right. But part of his image is you. You made his business more independent. So I will do everything I can to make you remember me." The next thing I knew, I saw Trey walk over to the door part of the cell. He opened it and grabbed my dirty ankle. I screamed, trying to get free, but I was too weak from starvation and lack of sleep. He yanked me forward and lifted me in his arms, carrying me to a different room.
   I kicked and screamed with all of my strength. I eventually kneed him in the face, and he dropped me.
" You fucking bitch." I started to crawl to any door I could see, but I got flipped over. He tried to chain my wrists together, but I was resisting. Then I felt a sharp pain in my leg.
" URRRGGHHHH."  I looked down at my leg and noticed that he was cutting into my flesh to make me stop squirming. And it worked.
He got the chains on my wrists and then continued to carry me to a different room.
   I looked at my leg again, and it was covered in blood. I was bleeding too much. I knew I had to stop the bleeding before I passed out.
" Don't worry about your leg. I'll take care of it," Trey said.
He carried me into a small room with a silver metal door with multiple locks. He walked over to a wall and attached my chains to a hook with a lock, then set me down on the hard, gray concrete floor.
" Don't do anything stupid. Lord knows you won't live with that bleeding." And with that, he turned around and left, closing the door behind him. He came back with a gauge and some stitching supplies.
" Now, hold still, or it's going to hurt worse." I knew I wouldn't be able to hold still. Not with him having a fucking needle. He cleaned the long gash with alcohol, and I cried out in pain. He ignored my screams and continued to push a needle through my skin. I moved my leg from the pain but then felt it disappear.
" If you're not going to hold still, then I won't help you. Help yourself or get an infection." I stared at him until he left the room, locking the door shut. It's not like I can help myself; I'm chained to the brick wall. I was starting to get thirsty and looked around for some water or something. There was a silver dog bowl full of water right where I could reach it.
I leaned forward from where I was sitting and reached for it with my foot. I dragged the bowl near me to get my mouth to the water. I leaned down and finally tasted hope. It's the best thing I've had in a while, like eating a bag of Skittles.
I leaned back after I was done drinking water. I knew that the water had to last me until Trey decided to fill it again.
I sat against the wall, wondering how long I would stay there. I looked down and noticed that my clothes were torn in a few places, and the colors faded. I didn't have any more shoes. Trey took them from me. And then, out of nowhere, I heard my name faintly in the dark.
" Hello?"
" Elizabeth! Wake up!" Who was that? No one was here with me. At least, I don't think. Then...everything went dark. I opened my eyes and saw Max above me. I looked into his eyes, which were full of worry.
" Where am I? Where is he?!"
" No one's here. It's just you and me."
" No! You don't understand. He's going to come back and hurt me! I have to escape!" I started to get out of the sheets to get up. I took a first step, ready to sprint, but fell. Then I just stayed lying on the floor and started to cry. I heard Max bolt to my side with no hesitation.
" It's ok. I'm here." I cried into his red long-sleeve shirt. I wanted to stop, but I couldn't. It was all too much. Reality and dreams.

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