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The following morning, I was still sitting on the couch with a glass of red wine, staring at the cream-colored wall in front of me. I only had one glass the whole night but was sipping it slowly and trying to forget about my nightmare.
" Good morning. How did you sleep?" I said as Abby walked out of her bedroom, looking very sleepy.
" I slept alright. But you look like shit. Did you not go back to bed after your dream?"
" You know I can't go back to bed after that," I reminded her. Whenever I had a nightmare, she expected me to return to bed. But she should know by now that I can't.
" And you're drinking wine. Here, let me take that from you." She said, reaching out and trying to take it, but I moved my hand away so she couldn't reach it.
" Could you make some breakfast? I'm starving. And I only had one glass of wine," I said.
" Ok... What would you like for breakfast?"
" Anything. As long as it's with protein and coffee," I said. I knew I couldn't get coffee at Reed's. My uncle made me quit because of "personal matters." Which is bullshit.
I watched Abby make eggs, bacon, and toast for breakfast. I made my coffee because Abby always gives me black coffee with no creamer, which is disgusting.
" Thank you for breakfast, Abby. I'll see you later," I said, as I opened the house door, walking out.
" Alright. Have fun doing whatever!" she shouted as I closed the door and walked to my car.
Abby never knew where I was going. As long as I was safe, then she didn't care where I went.
I got in my car and pushed the key into the ignition. Right before I turned my car on, I heard my phone buzz. I grabbed My phone and unlocked It, looking at the text message.     ' Good morning, Mrs. Elizabeth. This is Max. I just wanted to know if you would like to meet to discuss funeral decorations.'
I couldn't stand him, but I didn't remember how he got my number. So I decided to text back. 'How do you have my number?'
'We exchanged numbers last night before you almost ran over my toes,' he replied.
'Ha ha. Why did you want my number in the first place?' I typed. I think I knew the answer but didn't remember yesterday because of lack of sleep.
' I needed your number so we could talk about the funeral.'
' I told you I'm not helping you with that.' I replied. Yesterday's conversations and activities came rushing back, and I remembered everything. It's depressing. I started to get a little irritated that he would ruin my morning with the funeral bullshit.
I chucked my phone on the tan passenger seat, turned on my car, and drove off in a rush. I heard my phone buzz again but just ignored it. He is not going to ruin my morning even more. And besides, I had to go shopping for supplies for my uncle. He needed a few things, and I was in town anyway. I went to Walmart and picked up a few pens and some clothes that I needed, and then checked out and left.
I left the parking lot and headed to my uncle's building. I had to park in the lower lot because employees and clients took all the other spots. I walked into the shiny building and noticed the snot receptionist was there again. I didn't even bother telling her I was there to see my uncle. I walked right past her, then she started yelling at me.
" Ma'am. You can't go over there. That is restricted."
" I can go wherever the fuck I want. It's not like you care if I'm here to see my uncle," I said, with a little bit of irritation. I kept walking while saying that, and after that, I didn't hear her protest anymore. She was finally served.

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