Chapter 8

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The sunlight flickered through the curtains, when I opened my eyes.

They were a bit hard to open but then I recognized my background. An unfamiliar room, unfamiliar bed which I was currently laying on and for some reason my memory was all fuzzy. Small beads of sweat appeared on my face as I strained my brain to remember. 

I remember till the arrow, the arrow was about to hit him. Whose him though?


I placed my hand on my head as I completely sat on the bed.

Natsu, thats him. He brought me here to have my blood. 

After the blood, what happened.

And like a bell ringing in my ears I realized that Yukino used to call me Luce.

 I heard some shuffling near me, it felt weird. Like I knew there was someone next to me but I don't want to do anything. As if my mind knew some stranger was there but then passed that idea out like there was some bigger threat. I started panting deeply. The touch of warm hands on my forehead broke me out of my trance.

I pulled my knives out from my socks, I remember putting them there just before star dress and placed them right near the unauthorized person's neck.

My eyes then brought myself to look at the stranger's and I found myself face to face with Natsu in his half asleep expression.

"Jeez, I get this reward for just checking if you're fine?"

He rubbed his face and wiped the drool from his mouth.

I had many questions but the first one was.



I was standing on the floor when I finally recognized the chandelier on the roof, the muddy floor, the cotton red tent and the bed on which Natsu sat, as rowdy as ever. This is the lord's tent. 

I blushed hard as one question came into my mind.


Before I knew it my knives were taken from me and were with Natsu who keenly saw it.

"Huh, we should  take this away from you."

Really, that was his only expression after I almost killed him not even a, WHAT THE HECK, WHY DYA HAVE A KNIFE!?

I snatched it back from his hands and clicked them back into the small knives which I then placed into my socks once again.

"I prefer you won't do that."

"Honestly, you were breathing like crazy and sweating too, I though you got a fever. Never thought you'd almost try to kill me if I did that." he rubbed the back of his head as if I just did something ordinary.

"Hey. What happened with the war?"

"Oh, after ya slept, Zeref's army was pushed back, just a few hours before dawn we got a message saying that Zeref wants to duel me, one on one. Whoever wins, wins."

I stared in Natsu's eyes in disbelief. The war can get over. If Natsu wins I'm out of Zeref's clutches, if Zeref wins I'm outta here and I can finally have that future that me and Ultear promised. 

"Seems like you're happy."

Without realizing it I in fact was smiling.

"When is it?"

"Midnight, like always."

"And you're so calm?"

I sat down on the bed beside Natsu who just stared at the floor as if he was in the trance now.

"Obviously I'm not, but somehow I'm excited. Excited to beat my brother's ass off!"

The last part he smiled cheekily and I smiled too. Somehow looking at him happy made me happy too. The fork did I just think. Nope not happening Lucy. In your brain and out. You're just happy that maybe just maybe he'd win so you'll have a joyful future.

I shaked my head and I got up only to bump into someone again.

"And where are you going Luce?"

"Fresh air, I need fresh air." best excuse in a while now. Really I just needed space.

My forehead throbbed with pain not only from bumping into him but also because of the headaches.

"By any chance, does you taking my blood cause medical problems?"

He looked taken aback by my question and answered back, this time in complete sincerity.

"No, why are you fine?"

"Yeah-yup just fresh air."

I bustled out only to be stopped by someone holding my wrists.

"Natsu, I said I'm fine"

"I know, just got to put these here."

He pulled both my wrists which pulled me closer to him. How strong is this guys' muscles exactly? He then put the Magic remover on my hands and then burned them with his flames.

Somehow, it made the cuffs even tighter.

In other blink of an eye he had my knives and tried cutting them, which didn't work.

"What's the big idea of stealing my knives again and again?"

In other second I felt my knives touch my skin in my socks and Natsu still held my wrists with a smirk.

"Don't blame me if I like them."

To be honest, I really hate this super speed power of the vampires.

He then placed one hand on my cheek where I realized there was a bandage..

"Don't-" he sighed deeply and resumed again.

"Don't hurt yourself for me would ya?"

At that moment I felt a rush of emotions. So this guy had unimaginable strength and still acts this nice to his people. Even to me a stranger. I mean I've just met for like what three days? 

Zeref never acted this kind to me even when I was his commander, even when I did his dirty work. He never acted kind to any of us. Instead if we did something wrong we'd get a beating and if we did something good, nothing.

I just nodded, no use of showing any expression. It makes me grab more not needed attention. 

Then Natsu did something unbelievable.

He pulled me into him and hugged me tightly. The scent of his body wafted into me and I heard his husky voice in my ear.


I didn't know what to do. So I just stood there and a second later my arms hugged him back. Guess that made Natsu happy because he snuggled into my hair more.

My heart fluttered low and high in my body. NOPE NOT HAPPENING LUCY.


Natsu POV-

She reminded me so much of her.

The same surname, the same blonde hair, the same eyes. 

Why, did she remind me of you?

I sighed in my mind and relaxed my nerves.

This may just be last day of living that's why I'm doing this. That's why my heart is thumping so badly right now.

Anna Heartfilia and Lucy Heartfilia what did you do to us.

A:N// Hope you enjoyed. And also great news! I scored above 90% in all subjects and majority of them are above 98%! WOOP WOOP!

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