Chapter 38 - Incomprehensible

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"And you are sure about this?"

"Yes, I'm sure? Why wouldn't I be?"

The fuck?

"I don't know...travelling, on your own...being in a stadium full of people...on your own..."

"Let me just stop you know Iz. I have a cognito disguise for one, for two I am not a child and for three, you've known about this for a while."

She rolled her eyes across from me in a huff, "One, a hat and sunglasses is not a plausible disguise. Two, you will always be a child to me and three, 4 days isn't a while. Plus," She pauses, "if I'm adding another...are you forgetting that you have been out of the scene for like 4 months? If people see you, they will do a madness."

"Dramatic much? And 4 days is enough." But I get her points. "Iz, just trust me?"

"I just think it would be better if I came with you. You only got discharged 4 days ago!"

"God no, thankyou. Plus, I only got one ticket."

"You're Rori fucking Stone for god sake, you know...a player of Arsenal and England? I'm sure you could get me a ticket."

This has been a regular occurrence in the last 4 days. As you can imagine, Izzy being the mother that she is has adapted to trying to be mine. I can't blame her, I have been staying at hers since I've been discharged because...well, I have to under doctors orders and, I sold my house.

To be honest, I want no ties to the old version of myself with places that bring me bad memories, that house is definitely one of them. It's a fresh start for me, with everything. I even brought a new car or well was kindly gifted one after I reached out to Mercedes about there SL 55. Turn out they like to do partnerships with sports personalities in the hope that others chase after the car they have. Makes sense and I get a car which I don't have to pay for so it's a win win.

The car is to die for by the way.

Anyway, sorry...I'm side tracking but yeah, so I've been busy busy. I sold my house and am moving into a new place in a few week. This time round I decided to rent, dunno why I brought a house in the first place but that was years ago and I was young and more stupid having been trusted with sums of money. It seemed like a good thing to do when I started getting money but fuck doing that again. Anyway until then I'm here getting the raft of Isabelle. I won't dare mention how uncomfortable the spare room mattress might be just me but fucking hell, I feel like I need to be rolled through a pasta machine.

I have also been busy with myself too. I got some more tattoo's because I just felt like it. I got my hair done, finally! And I completely restored my wardrobe throwing out almost everything I use' to own—Izzy hated me for that one.

"I just don't think it's a good—wait—where has the bread gone?!"


I looked up to see her scrambling through the cupboard pulling out the bread which had one slice left. She dumped it in front of me with a look to say 'explain?'.

I'm not a complete animal, I left one slice.

"Did you eat all the bread? In two days?!"

"It wasn't just me!" I protest. "Bonnie had toast this morning before nursery."

Her eyes narrowed in on me, I mean come on? It's easier to blame kids in any "You're and animal, you know that? Fucking animal."

"Gain is gain babyyyyy. I left a slice didn't I?"

I am eating so much fucking food. I ate a lot before just because of my big appetite with training but this is next level. I eat, workout, eat, workout, eat. It's working though, I can see my muscle coming back aswell as my bones protruding less. I am still on the skinny side but I feel better within myself as the days go on.

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