Chapter 13 - I Break, Again

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Getting back on the coach felt like an uphill battle. My chest was tight but my heart also felt like it was beating at a million miles an hour, like it was working too hard to keep the blood moving around my body. I didn't say anything when I could have because I didn't want to make a fuss, I'm sure it's nothing anyway, all I'm my head.

I was one of the last on the bus as Jonas pulled me asside to talk about the interview. His filed a complaint at that reporters ridiculous questions and apologised for putting me in that position, but it's not his fault and I made that clear. I know Jonas wouldn't put me in a position like that knowingly.

I take a deep breath looking at the stairs to the bus, I would like nothing more than to close my eyes right now. I'm done in...maybe Beth was right, I shouldn't have gone in that run.

I clutch my side as a shooting pain rakes through my body. With another shaky breath I plaster a smile on and pull myself up the few stairs. I make my way looking for a spare seat with all the girls cheering at my appearance. A table seat is free with Viv and Beth but it's next to Leah and I'm not entirely sure if she wants me to sit there. I carry on dragging my feet more towards the back of the bus when I feel a hand gently take my wrist. I look down and see Leah shuffle over to the window seat so I can sit next to her.

I take the seat. Usually I would be more sceptical but my god, this pain is so bad I just want to sit, or hunch over or anything that could take this pain away.

Beth has that shit eating smirk like she planned for us to sit together. Viv's head is in her crossword like usual. I fold my arms on the table and put my head in them trying to adopt some sort of comfortable position.

Leah puts her hand on my back but I don't look up, it felt nice to have her there even if my face is scrunched up in pain. She leans down to my ear.

"Are you okay?" She whispers, voice full on concern. I don't want her to be worried though.

I pull my head up with an internal grunt. "I'm okay," I smile. "Don't worry, just tired."

She doesn't look convinced but takes my answer for what it was as I clearly look shattered. She shuffled closer towards me and offers me her shoulder. I rest my head on her with Beth raising an eyebrow, I don't have the energy to try and say anything right now. My eyes battle to stay open. I'm so bloody tired and my heart is beating so rapid it's thumping in my ears.

I feel bloody awful.

Leah POV

As Rori falls asleep on my shoulder I can't help but feel over whelming concern. She's really hot. I can feel her radiating heat through my jumper as I see the sweat form on her forehead. It's not exactly warm in March and as usual she is only in just a t-shirt with shorts so she shouldn't be sweating like that. I look up at Beth who is cross-wording with her girlfriend none the wiser. We have made amends since our little falling out which wasn't fair on my part. I admit I lost my cool more than I should have with the couple.

"Hey Beth, Viv, do you think Rori is okay? She's really hot."

"I reckon she would take that as a compliment." Beth jokes nudging Viv, causing a laugh to escape from them both.

"No you dick, she feels boiling hot."

They looks down to get a better view of her face that's dropped slightly on my shoulder.

"She does look really pale... do you think she's coming down with something?" Viv adds.

"Maybe, can one of you turn the air con on please." Beth turns the tables air con on that's on the ceiling and points it to Rori.

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