The Haunting Melody (Part-2)

Start from the beginning

Rachael: Don't you remember that we're going to the haunted piano room tonight?

Michael: At 3 am, Yes!

Kyle: Oh don't be dumb,you guys. You don't know how strong I am, I drink 5 protein shakes a day,maintain my daily skincare routine, travel, doing these livestreams on the daily basis, ignoring all the gate comments all while maintaining this figure.

Michael: Oh,really?

Rachael (rolls his eyes): Good thing,atleast you won't pee in your pants this time.

Kyle: EXCUSE ME!!?!!

Michael: Alright,No one gets to bully Kyle.

Kyle(pouts*): Naaaww, you're all so mean. Oh my god, i need to get away from these Negative people Fuuuuuu 1 ....2 ......3 ........4


(Scene changes)

Rachael: Hey,I heard that the hotel saw strange occurrences as soon as they bought in that Marylin piano.

Michael: Maybe it's the piano that's haunted,not the hotel??

Kyle: But I didn't hear any piano when we arrived here.

Michael: Dear Dumb Dumb Kyle, It was raining,remember?

Rachael: You probably didn't hear the piano cause of loud thunderstorms and heavy rain.

Kyle: Oh,did you hear it thenRaeheael?

Rachael: Yeah,but very faintly..

Kyle: Oh man,that's Creepy.

Kyle(pondering over*) : Is that why you asked me to close my windows?

Rachael: Yeah,I was worried you couldn't sleep after hearing it.

Kyle: Aww,I am so lucky to have a brother like you. Though you can be annoying sometimes. You're still my brother. (Trying to be sweet* )

(Eyeing Michael)

Michael: Oh please!!

Michael: Don't worry Kyle. Marylin only likes good looking peeps.
Look at Reynold, he should be the one worried,not you.

Reynold: Oh,am I handsome now?

Michael: Yes,you are,always.

Kyle: As if Marylin The Piano Ghost was super hot.

Michael: Oh,was she not?
Unlike some influencers these days,she was a natural ethereal beauty.

Rachael(trying to change the topic): So What's the plan?

Reynold: I am thinking that we should rest today, we've walked a lot today and I barely have any energy left.

Kyle: Hey,I have painkillers of you want.

Reynold: No No,that's fine. I just need a hot shower and then I'll go straight to bed.

Michael:Oh come on! Don't be WEIRD. Tomorrow is Saturday!

Reynold: Yeah man,I was never a cool kid anyways. You guys carry on.

Michael: Bruh. BUMMER!

Kyle: You sound pissed.

Rachael: Is it because we're going to the piano room tonight,

Kyle: 'OMG!! Are you scared?'

Reynold: I'm not.
Besides we're going to live here for a couple more days. We can always do this little ghosthunting some other day.


Not today.

I'm too tired for that.

Michael: Yeah man,whatever.
Suit yourself.

It was getting dark so they all went back to the manor after hanging out a bit.

(Enters the Manor*)

(1 am)

Kyle(checks her phone): Hey guys, our video got 1Million views!! Should we do something more exciting..
How About I Make A Roast Video About Marylin. That's surely going to turn some heads,right?

Michael: You're Unbelievable....

Kyle(shrugs*) : Whatever

Kyle: My battery is going to die soon. Michael,Rachael I'll join you guys after a bit.

Reynold? Do you have a spare charger? I forgot to bring mine.

Reynold: Yeah

Kyle: Cool!

Reynold: Follow me..

(Going to the room)

Kyle (plugging in the charger): Okay,let me write down my script while it's charging.

Reynold nods and heads for a shower.

Kyle: Writing* writing*

Takes her phone off the charger and starts recording

<<"Hey guys!! How are you doing? So today we're at the Abigails! And guess what!? We are going to find out the mystery of this haunted manor!!>>

(Applying makeup, blush*)
<<So guys, I really think that the controversies are not true. >>
LIKE, Marylin never had much talent for music imao. It was just, well just her looks.
And if I'm being Completely Honest, she is quite overrated. Like,neither did she look pretty,had any extraordinary skills, or personality yet she was so famous. Life truly is unfair.. very very unfair>>
<<And if I look closely at her pictures, I think I'm much prettier than her hahaha.>>>

<<<GUYS!! O M Gosh what am I saying..

<<<I am just soooo quirky 🤪 haha>>>>

I get off topic easily,so sorry about that

(Reynold coming out of his shower)

Faint Piano playing in the background..

Kyle (scared,looking at Reynold): Did you hear that...

Reynold: Hear what?

Kyle: The piano..


[[A/N : Kyle is our typical influencer,don't you think?
Who is your favourite character till now? Comment down below!]]
Happy reading! <3

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