The bullies 💥

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I forgot to add one emoji. "💥" is harm or abuse. This story is gonna turn out sad so if you want to read it I won't force you to not! ^^
Sorry guys... normal ages
Muichiro= 14  bully 1=15 bully 2=16 Bully 3=15

Muichiro was walking to school and he had his hair into a ponytail. He looked around and saw the popular group stare down on him.

"Hey!" Bully 1 which is Louis, he pushed Muichiro towards him. "You're a boy a you have long hair??"

"Uh... yes." Muichiro muttered. "Why?"

Bully 2 which is Tyler, he walked towards him. He gave Muichiro a glare. He grabbed Muichiro's ponytail and he tugged it.

"Ow!!" Muichiro gasped and pushed Bully 2 away.

"What the fuck did you just do?!" Tyler pushed Muichiro to the lockers. He grabbed his ponytail and untied it. Now his long black hair with turquoise ends fell down and now it was revealed.

"W-Why did you do that!" Muichiro shouted.

"Why do you have long hair? Are you gay or something?" Bully 3 which is Kyle, he laughed and pulled Muichiro's hair.

"No! I'm not! Stop pulling my hair-"

Tyler grabbed Muichiro and tossed him around. Louis pushed Muichiro to the ground and slapped him. Louis grabbed a pair of scissors out of his backpack and he grabbed Muichiro's hair.

"H-HEY!! DON'T YOU DARE!!" Muichiro screamed and panicked. Tyler held Muichiro's legs down, Kyle held Muichiro's arms down and Louis started to cut Muichiro's hair.

"HEYYYY!!!! STOP CUTTING MY HAIR!!!" Muichiro shouted and tried to move but he couldn't. He started sobbing because he was trying to grow his hair out. It was going to turn out beautiful but I guess not.

After all that cutting, Muichiro's hair was now short. All of his beautiful hair got cut off and it was all on the ground.

"Fuck you..." Muichiro muttered.

"What was that?!" Louis shouted and punched Muichiro in the stomach.

"ACK-" Muichiro gasped and cried out.

"Let's go, boys." The bullies left and they were laughing together.

Muichiro sobbed and picked up the pieces of hair the bullies cut. He slowly began to give up. "M-My hair..." He muttered and he sniffed. "All gone...!!"

Muichiro continued to sit there. He was still crying about how he lost his hair because of those stupid bullies. "How am I gonna get to class...." he whispered to himself. "I look ugly..."


Muichiro sat next to Genya. Genya looked at the side and noticed Muichiro's short hair.

"You cut your hair?" Genya asked and nudged Muichiro.

"Don't worry about it..." Muichiro wiped his tears.

"Why? I thought you were gonna grow your hair out." Genya said.

Muichiro tried to hold back tears. "I'm fine." He faked a smile. "Let's not worry..."

"Alright, then." Genya turned back to the teacher.


Muichiro's hands were resting on the counter and he was crying in front of the mirror. "Gosh I hate how I look..." Muichiro wiped his tears and sniffed. "How do I grow it more faster..."

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