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As you can see the title, It's a pool day again! I have many ideas in mind but I just feel like writing down a pool chapter with smut. A little break ☺️ ^^
Appropriate ages!
Genya=20 Muichiro=18 you'll know what happens ^^

"Genya..." Muichiro walked outside and saw Genya in the pool.

"Hey, Muichiro." Genya said and swam towards the pool railing. "Ya okay?"

Muichiro nodded and stood there. He didn't want to lose eye contact.

"You just gonna stand there and watch me swim?" Genya asked and waved his hand towards the pool to gesture to Muichiro to come in.

"Oh I... I don't know how to swim!" Muichiro sat down near the pool and sank his feet in. "It feels nice..."

"Then you want me to teach you?" Genya asked and smirked at Muichiro. His hand tightened on Muichiros ankles.

"No thank you..." Muichiro shook his head and smiled nervously. He looked down and saw Genya's hand grip onto his ankle.

Genya pulled Muichiro's legs into the water and he was now in the pool.

Muichiro panicked and he swam back up. He gasped for tons of air and he spat out some pool water out of his mouth. "Ahh! I can't reach the bottom!! Oh god oh god I can't reach the bottom!!!"

"Chill out, relax..." Genya grinned and he held Muichiro by the waist. "It's only 5 ft and you're 5'3"

"S-Still!" Muichiro crossed his arms because it was very cold. He started trembling and twitching. "I can't swim and you know that!"

Muichiro hopped back up out of the pool and sat on the ground. He grabbed a towel and wiped his arms and legs.

Genya watched every movement Muichiro took. He knew how HOT and GOOD-LOOKING he was. He licked his lips and picked Muichiro up onto his shoulder.

"Genyaaaaaa!!! Stop!!!" Muichiro kept hitting Genya's back.

"What? You look so good." Genya set Muichiro onto the pool but he kept the grip around Muichiro's waist.

"I-I can't swim I can't swim!" Muichiro spit out some more water at Genya by accident.

Genya wiped the water off his face, "I can hold you." Genya lifted Muichiro's chin up and kissed him on the lips. They French kissed and he bit Muichiro's tongue.

(Muichiro thinking)

This isn't just a kiss... it's like he's eating me...

Muichiro pulled away, "P-Please don't do that again, you scared me..."

"You're so cute..." Genya smirked and his hand was on the back of Muichiro's head. "Do you know how cute you are?"

"No..." Muichiro whispered and blushed while he looked away. He turned red in embarrassment. "J-Just... don't pull me into the water again... I'm gonna drown."

"Yeah yeah, okay." Genya looked down on Muichiro's shirt. "You still have your shirt on..."

"And you ruined my new shirt! I got it earlier! You're so cruel..." Muichiro rolled his eyes.

"Hah..." Genya chuckled and kissed Muichiros forehead. "I can't believe you're mine, I'm so special."

"Shut up, I'm not yours. I'll never be."

"How many times have we fucked?" Genya asked and he caressed Muichiro's cheek.

"Don't bring that up!" Muichiro slapped Genya hard.

Genya held his cheek where he was slapped and his smirk remained. "Jeez, Muichiro. You hit hard-"

"Well- well, you deserve it!" Muichiro blushed and pointed at Genya's face.

Read the story to find out // KnyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora