Chapter 16, The Impromptu Invitation

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The matching candle holders emit a pleasant spicy cinnamon and apple aroma throughout our empty living room. Alone and wrought with boredom, I inhale deeply and sigh. This is just another typical summer Saturday. Everyone who is anyone is preparing for a highly anticipated date. But me? I'm sniffing candles.

I have yet to go on another date since Steven Langley, the first date I accepted, knowing ahead of time I wouldn't have a romantic, fairy-tail encounter ending in a head-spinning, tummy-twirling, amazing first "real" kiss-all because he wasn't Talan.

"You've got to read between the lines with a guy like Steve," Jaxon had warned me, disgruntled when he found out I was going out with a guy who was a year older than him, a first-string varsity player on his football team, no less.

I read between the lines, every single one. 

Does he think I wouldn't be willing to pay for my meal? Does he think every girl wants such delicate treatment that she can't open the door herself? Does he think he will get somewhere with me by taking me to a drive-in movie theater to sit alone with him for two hours? Does he believe I'd fall over myself to make out with him?

I didn't realize my awful behavior until I saw the confused and beaten-down look on Steve's face after walking me to the door in silence and giving me an awkward goodnight wave.

Once I sat down and picked apart what went wrong with the evening, I concluded that Talan's surprise phone call caused my failed first date. Having to end the conversation with him irritated me, and I took it all out on Steve. Everything about him during the date had turned me off. I didn't like how he combed his hair, the smell of his cologne, the way he chewed his food, the way he smiled at me, and I hated how Steve went overboard being sweet.

Just the sound of Talan's voice crumbled my resolve not to wait on him. Because I was a silly little girl with a silly little crush, forever waiting for his attention. I sickened myself. This is why I decided if I had to lock myself in my bedroom all summer whenever Talan came around, I'd move on.

Disgusted about my behavior towards Steve, I called him two days later to apologize. I asked him for another chance and told him I didn't mind begging if that's what it took to get him to forgive my despicable and rude attitude.

I felt relieved when he laughed and said, "Yes, I'll go out with you again."  Then, he apologized for changing our plans from the walk-in theater to the drive-in theater at the last minute. That evening, he had told me his friend had spoiled the ending for him, but Steve realized later that the switch must have looked awful to me. He told me we could have done something else if he had been thinking.

Our second date still lacked natural chemistry but was nice and ended with a polite kiss on the cheek.

When Talan came home, he showed up with Kinsley. While he visited with Jaxon and Erik, Kinsley, of all people, pulled me aside and asked if I wanted to go for a drive with him. He couldn't think of a way to speak to me alone without raising Jaxon's suspicion, so he convinced her to do it for him.

I couldn't believe it, but I was thrilled nonetheless. Even though my face froze in shock, my soul danced with joy. I promised myself, but oh, how I wanted to go. My thoughts spun in disarray, yet somehow I summoned tremendous strength and told Kinsley to tell Talan no. I wasn't playing hard to get; I only wanted to prove to myself that I wasn't waiting for the invitation, and I was scared to let my guard down again.

Kinsley's expression of disbelief had fallen to displeasure when she realized I was serious. "Shit. I don't want to tell him that, Ama. Just go, I know you want to."

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