Chapter 9, The Real Pretend

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Kade and I are out on the dance floor when Everleigh shows up. She sashays through the heavy doors like the bell of the ball, draped on the arm of a loser from my class. Randy Becker isn't even cute. I noticed his bullying and snobbish behavior in seventh grade, and he'd never been a friend of mine. He's spoiled because his family owns two clothing department stores in our town. Since Everleigh's dad is the bank's president, their parents likely belong to the same social group.

I glance at Kade as he shifts his eyes away from them, pretending he isn't watching.

"It's okay, Kade."

"It is ... okay." The exaggerated smile he summons does a poor job of covering his vulnerable state. "I really don't even care. I mean, I do a little, but it's not like I loved her."

"I know, but you guys went out for a long time."

A spark of humor ignites his eyes. "In dog years."

I giggle. "I'm just saying. It's okay to hurt over a breakup. Three months is ... Well, like you said. It's..." I do the dog-year math in my head. "Twenty-one months. Almost two years. So, yeah. It's a long time in dog or teenager dating years."

He lights up with a truer grin. "Honest, I'm fine."

I don't believe him. Glancing back at Everleigh, I scowl. Self-absorbed girls like her irk me in the worst way. Hanging against him, I bury my nose into his neck. "Stop, Ama." He chuckles while pulling away and glancing at my face, so I know I tickled him. "You don't have to do that."

"Do what?"

"You're trying to make her jealous, aren't you?"

"I am. She deserves it after how she treated you, and that guy's a loser. You are far better than him in every way."

He leans back in surprise at my comment, which surprises me.

"Thanks, but I don't need to play games with her. I'm having a great time."

Unable to tell what smiles are real or fake, I raise my brow. "Are you sure?"


"All right, but I'm still getting her jealous." It's better than Kinsley punching her in the face. "Just go with it."

I place my nose back into his neck and tickle him until he laughs, playing along by holding me tighter and breathing into my hair. I smile against his shoulder, happy to help, then grasp his hand as we exit the dance floor to spice up the scene.

We sit at our table. Kade leans over, resting his elbows on his knees and his chin in the cups of his palms, staring at the floor. I lift one of his braids. "I didn't realize how long your hair has grown, and it's shiny and healthy looking."

He straightens back up, a thin smile tweaking his lips. "Yeah, but I'll probably have to cut it when I get into high school next year. Because for real, who will want to date a guy with prettier hair than them?"

I let out a chuckle, and though I know he is only joking, I tell him not to do that. "Your hair is hot."

He laughs and explains that he might have cut it years ago like Talan did if he didn't have his mom and Kinsley to braid it for him occasionally and help keep it sharp-looking.

I retake hold of his hand and wink at him, so he knows I'm moving back into character. I tilt my head discreetly because Everleigh has her eyes on us from the dance floor. Kade catches the signal and pushes his chair closer to mine, placing our entwined hands on his lap. The sparkly pink material of the dress, which I was sure I'd outgrow before I wore it, shimmers beside his black slacks. I didn't tell Kinsley the color of my dress, so it was a satisfying coincidence that Kade wore a red shirt with a pink and black tie.

They Call It Heartजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें