Chapter 26- Tales of Ba Sing Se

Start from the beginning

It was only a few moments later that something caught my eye. There was a girl walking past the fountain very nearby. But it wasn't an ordinary passerby that was strolling down the busy streets of the middle ring. No, I'd recognise that long, brown braided hair anywhere. It was Ty Lee of the fire nation. It was one of my enemies. She didn't wear her usual pink outfit though, instead she wore a casual purple shirt and normal trousers. She must have dressed normally to blend in, just like me. But my mind was focused on one thing: the fire nation must be invading Ba Sing Se! I immediately sprang into action, my average cup of tea falling to the ground as I jumped up from my seat and ran towards the girl. I pushed away innocent bystanders, all while controlling a stream of water from the fountain. When I was only a few feet away from Ty Lee, I sent a whip of the fountain water, which wrapped around her left wrist. She quickly glanced down in surprise to see what had unexpectedly grasped her, but I swiftly electrocuted the water whip, giving her an electric shock. I heard her yelp out in pain as her wrist was electrocuted, and finally her browny-grey eyes found mine. They widened in shock as she saw that it was me who was electrocuting her.

"Stop! I'm not here to attack you!" she desperately yelled at me through the pain. Tears began to form in her eyes, and my mind faltered. Was she telling the truth? She wasn't in her usual outfit, and Azula was nowhere in sight, so maybe she was here peacefully. I regretfully detached the electrified water whip from around her wrist, which splashed harmfully on the floor. I noticed that there was a red ring around her left wrist where the water whip had been.

"Then why are you here?" I asked, completely flabbergasted. I did feel rather guilty; if she was truly here in peace, then I had just needlessly harmed her, and caused a scene for no reason. I couldn't help but notice that the people around us were all staring.

"I'm here to enjoy the city, just like you," Ty Lee informed me as she wiped the tears from her eyes. Even though she was my enemy, I couldn't help but feel empathetic.

"I-I'm sorry," I stuttered. I couldn't believe that I was apologising to my enemy. "I assumed you were here to overtake the city," I added as I scratched the back of my neck awkwardly.

"That's okay," Ty Lee pouted sadly as she rubbed the red, sore mark that I had left on her wrist.

"I can heal it if you'd like," I offered, though I couldn't believe the words that were coming out of my mouth. 'She's your enemy, (Y/N)! There's no need to heal her!' a voice in my head was telling me, yet I ignored it. Yes, Ty Lee was my enemy on most days, but right now she was here peacefully. Besides, it wasn't like I was asking her to be my friend or anything, I was only offering to heal the damage that I had inflicted.

"It's alright, it doesn't hurt too badly anymore," Ty Lee told me with a weak smile. For some reason I felt relieved when I saw her smile at me, which made me feel rather conflicted.

"It might leave a scar if I don't heal it, though," I explained to her, though she didn't seem concerned. She glanced down at the red ring on her wrist.

"I think that would be pretty cool!" she exclaimed energetically. "It'd be like a bracelet!". I couldn't help but to chuckle at her words. Even though she was my enemy, I had to admit, her energy was contagious.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I spilled my tea rushing over here," I said, making a poor attempt at a joke.

"That doesn't make me feel better at all!" Ty Lee gasped, as if my split tea was the end of the world. "Let me buy you a new one," she offered, nodding her head towards to tea shop.

"Thank you, but that's okay. It's my fault really, anyway," I laughed awkwardly. It did feel weird to be talking to my enemy as if she were my friend, but something about Ty Lee seemed different. I could tell that she wasn't evil, like Azula is. In fact, she seems rather nice. "Besides, it's not like the tea was particularly good,"

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