Chapter 60

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Briefly, Oishi peeped into the kitchen and the sight of the dried blood on the floor made her anger even stronger. She cursed for overlooking the kind of pain her sister was going through all this while and still maintained a strong appearance to keep them steady.

The doorbell rang again while the heated conversation between the three best friends had finally died down, Oishi could still hear disagreements in broken phrases. 

"Coming!" Oishi softly replied, to no one in particular, since the person on the other side of the door would hardly hear her faint reply. 

She was about to open the latch when suddenly she was hit by a jolt of memory. It wasn't a déjà vu since she clearly remembered a similar situation while staying at Nishi's apartment in Kolkata.

She recovered within a minute but taking a step forward her slipper got stuck between the shoe cabinet and the door frame.

"Careful Oishi!" Shomak, who had followed to check on her, called from behind. 

"Huh?!" Oishi looked down and spotted the tip of her slipper stuck at a completely bizarre point.

"I'll get it, you go," he shooed her away heading to open the door.

Oishi cursed herself for letting her mind devise a possibility interlinking the two similar moments, yet she couldn't help but firmly stick to that. The last time Vaidehi had come into their lives and had created complete havoc which resulted in Ela's severe panic attacks, it felt the same. 

She stared at the door from the corner of her eyes, anxiously trying to guess who the visitor could be. Her palms became sweaty, a light tremor shaking her spine as she held on to the kitchen wall. 

When Shomak pulled the door open Oishi blinked, then frowned looking closely. The outline of the guest became visible working as a soothing drug on Oishi. Her anxiety vanished at once; she heaved a sigh of relief and jolted past Shomak. 

 "Thank god it's you!" Oishi flung herself on the visitor embracing him in a tight hug. 

"Manik da?" Shomak was a bit confused to find Manik at Teesta's doorstep. 

He was the last person Shomak had expected to visit the Malakar sisters. But looking at how Oishi suddenly seemed so contained Shomak assumed they still considered Manik the positive father figure, which was absent from their lives.

"Good evening to you too Shomak," Manik greeted reminding him he was still mostly into mannerisms and general courtesies which both Ragnik and Shomak severely lacked.

"Ah! Yes, good evening, please come in," Shomak stepped aside to let him step in.

"This is not your house to invite me, Shomak," Manik raised his brows as Oishi finally released him from the tight hug.

"No, no, you must come in," Oishi excitedly pulled his hand, "where's Aunt Kallol? Didn't she come with you?"

"Relax Oishi, I am not coming in," Manik gently added.

Manik's extremely calm and composed aura had always been a bit overwhelming for Shomak. The two elder brothers he had come across were probably different in their own ways but he cannot deny that Manik seemed to be taking his role way more seriously than Aditya did.

Or maybe because Manik was also a father of a twenty-five-year-old and well Aditya was only a brother going on to become a father. A kind of work-in-progress. Or perhaps he was overthinking.

He coughed away his ridiculous thoughts and concentrated on why Manik stood adamantly at the door refusing to come in.

"Shomak, could you please call Geeta, I need to talk to her," Manik said sitting down on the came chair on the porch.

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