Part 3

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Louis and Harry broke up the day before their six month anniversary. Harry spent that day at home. He didn’t want to go to school and after what happened, his mom was more than willing to pull him out all together if he wanted. As nice as that had sounded, Harry still had Niall and he didn’t want to drive far just to go to school. After what happened he feels like he wont have to worry about Louis and them anymore anyways. Harry also decided that his mom deserved an explanation as to why he was taking things so hard so he admitted to her about he and Louis. It just made her hate Louis even more. Even though Harry felt he had the right to hate Louis as well, he still felt the need to defend him. (“It’s just the way things are mum.” “I know honey, but if he really loved you he wouldn’t of hurt you like that.”)

It was the weekend now and Harry texted his friend Nick to meet up. He and Nick met at one of his mom’s work parties, they had both been dragged there. They got to talking and found out they we both gay so they knew each other’s struggles. Nick was about 3 years older than him so he is already graduated and working, lucky bastard Harry thought. 

When Harry walked into the coffee shop just around the block from his house he smiled to see his friend. As he got closer to him he found tears starting to stream down his face. He didn’t want Niall to know about anything and he wanted to be strong in front of his mom, but now being in front of a friend who was outside that circle, he broke.

Nick got up and pulled him into a hug. “Oh Harry, what’s wrong?”

“High school sucks!”

Harry felt Nick chuckle. “I know it does, but that can’t be the whole reason you’re crying. What happened?”

Harry pulled back and wiped his eyes, “I met someone.”

Nick smiled for a moment happy for Harry, but it quickly faded after. “Did you get your heart broken?”

Harry just nodded letting more tears fall down his face again and throwing himself back into Nick’s arms. He felt safe there, he always has. Ever since he and Nick became friends Harry always went to him when ever he had a problem. Even though they were only a few years apart, Nick was defiantly more experienced with things so Harry always went to him with his questions and Nick only smiled and laughed at how awkward it was for Harry, but always helped him out.

“Let’s sit down yeah?” Nick suggested leaning back a bit. Harry pulled back and nodded sitting down across from his friend. “So, how much can I know?”

Harry smiled, “Everything. It’s a long story though, are you sure you want to hear about my stupid problems with the boys?” Harry laughed slightly.

“I love boy drama.” Nick smiled back leaning forward and placing his face in his hands.

Harry took a deep breath and spilled everything out to Nick. Out how he met Louis, was bullied by him, got outed, has a terrible school life, Niall, and the most recent break up and fight. “I just don’t know why it hurts so much Nick. He was horrible to me around his friends and then he hit me! I should be furious with him and hate hit guts, but yet I feel the need to defend him and I’m hurt.”

Nick reached across the table and grabbed Harry’s hands. “Before I give you my opinion you need to promise me you wont interrupt. Got it?”


“First of all, if Louis really cared he wouldn’t have done that. I know you feel like you should defend him because that’s the way high school is, but it’s not Harry. If he cared about you he would forget everyone else around him. I know it hurts, but you need to be strong. Avoiding school and Louis isn’t helping any. Show them that they can’t knock you down. Being strong and acting like it doesn’t effect you will get them pissed off enough that they will probably leave you alone. All their looking for is a reaction Harry. You stood up to them, they tried to put you back in place, but if you don’t back down, their gone. Also I have a feeling Louis will probably back down anyways. I’m not going to tell you to never talk or see Louis again, because that’s all up to you. All I’m going to say is either move on, or if you want him back enough and he wants you, make him work for it. Either come up with conditions, or do something that will make him come forward.”

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