Part 1

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“Move it faggot!” Louis screams as he pushes Harry into the lockers.

Harry moans as his head hits off the lock and he falls to the ground. He holds his head as he watches Louis and his friends walk away. Louis glances back at his secret boyfriend as he and his friends turn the corner and gives Harry and sympathetic look. 

You see Louis is like the king around school. All the girls want him and the boys want to be him. If he wants something he gets it. He’s always charmed his way through life. Louis also used to be a straight A student, but once he got to high school things changed. 

He was in class one day during his Freshmen year and the teacher called him out on something and felt so embarrassed. People in the room were chatting and giggling, so to redeem himself he made a very disrespectful but witty come back. Sure he ended up in detention for a week, but at lunch the popular crowd invited him to sit with them. He fit right in and he changed his personality to that witty carefree person. When he entered his sophomore year and the seniors were gone he was the leader of the group. Then in his Junior year he dominated more of the school and got more followers. Now in his Senior year and owned the school. Everyone knew who he was and learned to stay away.

At the beginning of the year his guidance counselor demanded that he get a tutor. “Louis Tomlinson. Ah, here we are. You are way behind in your credits. Unless you ace your classes this year I’m afraid you wont be graduating.”

Louis’ jaw dropped, “That can’t be. I have to graduate with my class. I’ve been looking forward to it. I already know which University I’m going to.”

“I’m sorry Louis. Now in order to help you do well I am assigning you a tutor. There is a young man in your class that is an exemplary student and has agreed to help you with your work.”

“I don’t need a tutor.”

“This is non-negotiable Mr.Tomlinson. His name is Harry Styles. You are going to meet him at the library after school for your first session. I wish you best of luck. Have a nice day.”

With that he got up and left. Harry Styles? Who the hell was he?! Louis knew everyone in his class, heck he knew everyone in the school for christ sake! That name just doesn’t ring a bell though. The rest of the day he kept an eye out for who this Harry kid might be, but with no luck. As the day was reaching it’s end he thought about skipping his session, because really, he didn’t need it. He could easily get his grades up on his own. But, he wanted to know who this Harry Styles was so he decided he might as well just go. Also knowing his counselor she would give him shit if he didn’t show up.

When the bell rang he grabbed his bag and made a break for his car hoping not to be stopped by any of his friends. He drove to the library and parked in the back so his car wouldn’t be seen. He walked inside and took a seat at one of tables in the back. He noticed a handsome bloke walking towards him. That’s the one thing people didn’t know about Louis Tomlinson. He was gay. He had been since he was thirteen and he kissed his best mate for a dare and liked it.

“Hi, I’m Harry Styles. Your tutor.”

“H-Hi. I-I’m L-Louis.” Why was he stuttering?! Surly the bloke didn’t make him this nervous. Sure he was fit and had soft looking curls and beautiful green eyes and oh fucking hell, he had dimples!

“Yeah, I know.” And boy did he know. Of course he did, everyone knew who Louis was. Harry knows him though because Louis made his life a living hell without even knowing it. Freshmen yeah they were at the same party and a few beers later and Harry was spilling his guts out admitting to him that he was gay and sure enough the next morning Louis posted it all over the internet.

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