Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

"Actually, I am." Klaus told her with a small smile.

"You have a cute smile." Christy complimented him with a small smile.

"Are you flattering me, Love?" Klaus said, gently wraps an arm around her waist.

"You could use a good flatter sometimes." Christy said.

Klaus and Christy exchange small smiles at each other through the wall mirror.

"You look beautiful." Klaus complimented with a small smile.

"Thanks, Hon." Christy thanked him with a small smile.

And Klaus pecks a kiss on her right cheek.



After changing back into her clothes, Christy is wandering around in the French Quarter.

After changing back into her clothes, Christy is wandering around in the French Quarter

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Christy is on the phone with Davina. "Hey, Davina. I've been meaning to visit you and Kol."

"You can visit anytime you would like, Christy. It's good to hear from you. Kol and I will be coming back to New Orleans for a while anyway, so, I'll be seeing you." Davina said on the phone.

"Alright then, I'll see you and Kol when you guys come visit New Orleans." Christy said.

"Alright, love you, Christy." Davina said.

"Love you too, Davina." Christy said, hanging up her phone and puts her phone back in her skinny pants pocket.



Later that day, in the living room, Ana and Christy are sitting at the kitchen countertop.

Ana is looking at a page in an old book. In the book, a picture of Marcalos, in his demonic horned Devil form, makes a deal with a person with a scroll.

"Is it possible for a person to make a deal with Marcalos and Persephone?" Ana asked.

"If a person is desperate, yes." Christy told her.

"Who would be desperate enough to make a deal with Marcalos?" Ana asked.

"You would be surprised." Christy said. "Some prefer to make deals with Persephone, but she's just like her husband, Marcalos."

"Persephone is an evil mischievous bitch." Ana said. "What, exactly, does Marcalos wants?"

"He wants hell on this world." Christy said. "Which is very bad."

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