Chapter Six

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Three days later.



The next day, a parchment paper magically appears on the coffee table in the main room.

Zenith gently takes it and unfolds it.

It is time to depart. The riverboat will be at the dock in a minute.
- The Elder God, Tithous

"Zenny?" Thalia said to her husband.

Zenith looks at his wife. "It's time to leave."

Zenith and Thalia exchange looks at each other and they both looks at their children, Damien and Irene.

"Damien?" Zenith said.

"I know Dad. I'll take care of myself and Irene." Damien said.

Zenith, Thalia, Damien and Irene exchange small smiles at each other.



A parchment paper magically appears on the coffee table. Max gently takes it and unfolds it with the same note.

Max looks at Gia, who's gently holding Marion's hand.

"I have to go." Max said and slowly walks up to Gia and Marion.

"We know." Gia said.

"Good luck, Daddy." Marion said to him.

Max pecks a kiss on Marion's forehead. Max and Gia shares a kiss and Max walks away.



A parchment paper magically appears on the coffee table in the courtyard.

A parchment paper magically appears on the coffee table in the courtyard

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