Chapter Sixteen

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The next day, the little children are wearing their backpacks, walking inside the schoolhouse.

The next day, the little children are wearing their backpacks, walking inside the schoolhouse

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(Christy's Outfit)

Christy makes her way towards the schoolhouse with her backpack on her shoulder.

"Christy?" Klaus said.

Christy glances at her husband. "Klaus? What are you doing here?"

"We need to talk." Klaus said.

"Klaus? Can we talk afterwards? I have to teach at the schoolhouse." Christy told him as she walks inside the hallway.

"Christy, please?" Klaus said.

Christy stopped walking and turns around to look at her husband again.

"What is it, Klaus? What do you want to talk about?" Christy asked him.

"I'm sorry." Klaus apologized. "I'm sorry for everything. I miss you and I really would like for you to return back to New Orleans."

"How do I know you won't burn me again by keeping something from me?" Christy asked him.

"I won't, I swear it on our marriage, I won't." Klaus said to her.

"I don't know, Klaus. I don't know what you want anymore, maybe, you're confused or something." Christy said. "But I have to go."

And Christy walks away from him, leaving Klaus by himself.



Later that day, after being requested by his father in-law, the Elder God, Ames.

Ames is sitting at the table with a platter of food.

"Ames?" Klaus said.

Ames looks at his son-in-law, Klaus. "Klaus? I need to speak with you."

"I assume that you want to talk about Christy." Klaus said, sitting at the table next to him.

"I know that you and Christiana are in a rough patch with each other." Ames said.

"It's my fault. I kept something from her and she found out about it much later. I should've told her, but I didn't." Klaus told Ames. "And I lost my wife and she left me because of it."

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