"Well, wanna join Lori and Carl?" Archie asks Mellody, who smiles and nods excitedly.

The group splits up to investigate the cars. Lori, Archie, Mellody, Carol, Carl and Sophia pass by a car where a dead lady sits in the driver's seat, the flies buzzing around her.

"Kids, don't look," Carol says, looking back at Sofia as they pass by. They continue to walk around, examining the different vehicles..

"Hey, Archie!" Mellody pointed excitedly toward a truck. "Looks like daddy's car!" Mellody said enthusiastically.

"Yep," Archie replied, knowing for a fact that it wasn't his father's car, but seeing no reason to spoil Mellody's excitement.

Carol and Lori were rummaging through the trunks and bags of the cars, searching for clothes or other useful items.

"Maybe we can find you some clothes," Archie said, as he walked towards the truck.

"Don't go too far, alright?" Lori called out, waving to Mellody, who nodded and answered, "okay, ma'am!"

Mellody ran over to the truck and jumped into the driver's seat, as Archie walk to the back and got inside. The truck's back was filled with bags, so he took a closer look at the closest one and discovered there were clothes inside. But they were too big for him or Mellody. Mellody continued to pretend to drive as Archie opened and looked through more bags.

"What the hell are you doing, Mellody?" Archie asked as she made car noises and turned the wheel.

"Driving!" Mellody replied, continuing to make engine noises.

Archie sighed and continued rummaging through the bags in the back of the truck. He pulled out a water bottle from one bag, about to screw the lid off, when he heard Lori's whisper-yelling, stopping him in his tracks.

"Get down, walkers!" Lori whispered urgently, pointing down as she crawled under a car.

Archie's eyes widened in surprise as he rapidly closed the door and got on his stomach in the back of the truck. He kicked aside the wall separating him from Mellody, who appeared in the window and glared out.

"Get down, walkers are coming!" Archie whispered to Mellody, who nodded as she shut the truck door and got on the floor of the truck.

The group gets under cars and stays absolutely silent as a horde of walkers pass by, their feet shuffling, groans echoing, and the cries of Carol filling the air. Archie lifts himself up just to see the walkers--how many and where everyone is? Carl and Sofia were hiding under different cars. Sofia looked more scared than Carl, as Carol and Lori were under the same car. There were many walkers--possibly 30 or even 40 more than they could kill. Archie looked around for a sight of Daryl--he had gone in a different direction, but he couldn't be far.

Archie didn't hear or see any more walkers that had finally passed, so he lifted himself a little more to get a better view. Then, he suddenly heard screams--it was Sofia. Archie looked over to see Sofia running into the forest with two walkers chasing her. He jumped out of the truck running after her.

Mellody watched Archie run into the forest. Rick ran after him, but he was farther back.

Archie was close to Sofia, but not close enough. He saw Rick, too..

"Fend them off that way, I'll get Sofia!" Rick whisper-yells, pointing.

"Hey, hey you dead shits!" Archie yells, waving his arms and clapping to get the walkers' attention. One Walker stumbles towards him while the other is still after Sofia. Archie backs up, leading the Walker away. There's still one walker after Sofia, but at least it's not two.

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