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hours later, Merle and Archie were on the roof, overlooking the city. They had arrived in the city, with Jacqui Morales, Glen, Andrea, and T-dog downstairs, while Merle was up on the roof, with his shotgun, looking down, ready to shoot any walkers that might be nearby.

Merle spots a walker and without hesitation shoots it. He's a skilled sniper and he makes it look easy, his aim is true and the walker is gone in a flash. The sound of the gun echoed  through the city.

"Stop shooting them," Archie said,

"What else am I gonna do?" Merle asked

"This is why no one likes you," Archie replied,

"They don't like you either," Merle said, chuckling.

"Shut up," Archie said angrily.

Merle shoots another walker
“There gonna yell at you” Archie said

“So I don't give a shit” Merle said

Merle kept shooting at several of the Walkers on the street below with a sniper rifle, killing some of them.

Merle began shooting again. The doors open and the group runs out. Morales yells "Hey, Dixon, are you crazy!?"

Merle continues to laugh as he shoots. Andrea says, "Oh jeez"

"Hey! You be more polite to a man with a gun! Huh? Ah!" Merle jumps off the ledge,

"Only common sense" he yells, his voice echoing throughout the city.

"Here we go again," Archie says as he slides off the edge.

"Man, you wasting bullets we ain't even got!" T-Dog yells

Merle continues to laugh, "And you're bringing even more of them down on our ass! Man, just chill.”

Merle scoffs at the comment, "Hey! Bad enough I've got this taco-bender on my ass all day. Now I'm gonna take orders from you? I don't think so, bro. That'll be the day."

T-Dog responds, "That'll be the day? You got something you want to tell me?"

Morales tries to defuse the situation. "Hey, T-Dog man, just leave it. It ain't worth it. Now Merle, just relax, okay? We've got enough trouble." He takes a step back,
"You want to know the day?" Merle asks
"Yeah," T-Dog says

"Dad, don't," Archie says, knowing it won't end well

"I'll tell you the day, Mr. 'Yo.' It's the day I take orders from a -” Merle starts to say, before Archie sighs and looks down, not wanting to hear the racist comment coming next.

"Mother...-" T-Dog begins to say before he swings at Merle, missing by a hair.

Archie yells, "Hay! Dad stop it,"

He stares in horror as Merle and T-Dog start to fight.

Morales yells, "Hey, come on, Merle. That's enough!"

Andrea yells, "Come on. Dixon!"

"Whoa, cut it out, man!" Morales yells, trying to break up the fight as they keep punching and kicking each other.

"Stop it! Dixon, get off him! Dixon, you're gonna hurt him," Andrea yells

"Merle, cut it out!" Morales yells, desperately trying to stop the fight.

Merle is now beating T-Dog to a pulp and holds a pistol to his head.

"No, no, no, please. Please," Andrea pleads, tears welling up in her eyes.

Everyone is frozen in place, waiting to see what Merle will do next.

“Yeah! All right! We're gonna have ourselves a little powwow, huh? Talk about who's in charge. Ivote me. Anybody else? Huh? Democracy time, y'all. Show of hands, huh? All in favor? Huh? Come on. Let's see 'em. Oh, come on. All in favor? Yeah. That's good. Now that means I'm the boss, right? Yeah. Anybody else? Hmm? Anybody?” Merle said

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