surprise attack

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When Archie woke up, he found himself in a bright and sterile-looking room,  he lay on the bed, Glen was beside him, his expression beaming with hope.

"You're awake," Glen said with a smile.

"Where the hell am I?" Archie grunted, groggily.

Felipe walked into the room,
"Nursing home," he said with a serious look, his arms folded across his chest.

"You son of a..." Archie starts, but Glen interrupts him, his hands grabbing Archie's arm tightly and pulling him back into the bed.

"Archie... it's okay," Glen said, his voice calm and soothing. Archie calmed down and slumped back into the bed, his eyes fixed on Glen, a blend of anger and uncertainty etched on his expression.

"And why is that?" Archie asked, a mix of confusion and anger in his voice.

Felipe's expression remained stern. "You're our hostages until we get Miguel back," he said, his tone blunt and uncompromising.

"And how the hell should I know who that is?" Archie shouted back.

"The man you attacked," Felipe reminded him

"I didn't attack anyone!" Archie said . "That was all Daryl," he added

Felipe walked over to Archie's bed and offered a warm smile, "Is there anything you need? Food or water?" he asked, his voice soft and soothing.

Archie's eyes narrowed and he looked at Felipe with suspicion, "Well you're good at this whole hostage situation," he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Felipe let out a small chuckle and nodded, "Well, your friend here helped save one of my friends. It's the most I can do," he said, his voice filled with gratitude.

"They're here!" a voice could be heard from outside, signaling the arrival of someone or something.

Felipe turns towards the door, a look of . He gives Archie and Glen one final glance before exiting the room. Glen followed him

"And you're just gonna leave me here?" Archie asks, a hint of frustration in his voice.

Glen looks at him and nods. "Rest," he says,

Archie rolls his eyes and then lays back down on the bed,

The sound of commotion draws Archie's attention  he gets out of bed and follows the noise.  Daryl, Rick, and T-Dog

"Where is he?" Someone yells
. "I told you, i didn't hurt him," Felipe says, .

"Nah, he didn't do anything," Archie says,

“Let's go man” Rick said firmly Archie followed

They finally leave the nursing home, and as they do, Glen turns to Rick, "Admit it, you only came back to Atlanta for the hat," he said, his tone playful.

Rick smiles, "Don't tell anybody," he replies, his voice filled with amusement  Daryl shakes his head, his expression annoyed. "You've given away half our guns and ammo," he says.

"Not nearly half," Rick retorts before breaking out into a grin.

'For what? For a bunch of old farts who're gonna die off momentarily anyhow? Seriously, how long do you think they've got?' Daryl says, his tone skeptical and mocking.

'How long do any of us?' Rick retorts, a sad look in his eyes.

After a moment of silence, the group comes to the spot where their truck was, only to find it gone.

"What the hell?" Archie growls, his voice filled with frustration.

"Oh my God," Glen says, his voice low and filled with disbelief.

Daryl speaks up, "Where the hell's our van?"
There is a moment of silence as they all think about it.

Finally, Glen speaks up, "We left it right there. Who would take it?" He sounds panicked.

Rick nods, "Merle."

Daryl's expression turns to one of concern, and he says, "He's gonna be taking some vengeance back to camp."

Archie shakes his head in disbelief, "Nah, he ain't that stupid... He's gonna go off and start his new 'perfect' little life elsewhere.”

As dusk approaches, Rick, Archie, Glen, T-Dog, and Daryl race back to the camp, their breaths coming in short gasps. As they draw closer, they hear the sound of gunshots, and the group quickens their pace, determination written on their faces.

"Oh my God," Rick says, his voice filled with concern.

"Go! Go!" Glen shouts, his hands on his weapon.

Archie pulls his own gun out, a determined look in his eyes as he joins the group in running towards the source of the noise.

Jim picks up a baseball bat and bashes it into the skull of a Walker, crushing its bones and causing it to fall limp. The group takes cover behind trees and buildings, and Dale picks up his rifle, ready to shoot any Walker that gets too close. As they fight back, some members of the group are attacked and bitten by the walkers. Morales grabs a baseball bat and manages to kill one of them.

Meanwhile, Mellody starts to scream, "Shane! Help me," as three Walkers surrounded her. She runs into the forest, desperate for help.

"Mellody!" Archie shouts, but she keeps running, screaming for help. "Somebody help!" She yells again, her voice filled with fear.

Archie sees Amy on the ground, and she's been bitten. Chaos is unfolding all around him as members of the group either run or fight for their lives against the walkers.

He hears Mellody's cries for help, and he rushes into the forest, searching for her.

"Mel!" Archie yells, hoping she can hear him. He finally spots her, and he runs over, his gun in hand.

"Oh no!" he cries out, seeing her on the ground, a walker crawling towards her.

He points his gun at the walker, but nothing happens. He realizes that he doesn't have any kill knives or anything else to defend himself and Mellody. The walker continues to crawl towards her, and he's helpless.

"Hey, over here! Come on, come on!" Archie yells, waving his arms around, getting the walkers' attention. The walkers turn towards him, their eyes fixed on his movements. "Come on, you dirty bastards!" he yells, trying to distract them from Mellody.

The walkers start walking towards him, and he continues to lead them further into the forest. "Yeah, yeah! Come on, you bitches!" he yells, trying to draw them away from Mellody. "Yeah, yeah! Come on!" he yells, as he runs towards them, hoping to lead them far enough away from Mellody for her to escape.

Archie runs a little further, and then suddenly, he trips over a branch. One of the walkers falls on him, trying to bite him, but he tries to push the walker away.

"Fuck!" Archie grunts as the other walkers get closer, and he kicks them, trying to push them away. Despite his efforts, the walkers stay focused on him, trying to lunge for him. He struggles to push the walker off, but the walker snaps its jaw at him, almost biting his arm.

Suddenly, the sound of an arrow being shot into the walker's bead  and Archie looks up, realizing that one of the walkers has been shot. The walker drops to the ground, and Daryl walks up to him, his bow in hand.

"You alright?" Daryl asks, holding a hand out to help Archie up.

"Yeah," Archie says, accepting Daryl's hand and pulling himself up. "Thanks, man.”
As he limps back to the camp, Archie hears Mellody screaming his name, and she runs towards him, hugging him tightly.

"Archie! I was so scared," she says, holding him tight.

"I know," Archie replies, hugging her back cautiously.

Jacqui steps forward, concerned. "What happened to your leg? Are you limping? Did you get bit?"

Archie lifts his pant leg, showing the large cut on his leg. "No, it's just a cut from when I tripped," he says, relief washing across his face.

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