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Daryl yells at Jenner, his grip on Mellody's arm squeezing harder, likely unintentionally but out of anger. "Doc, what's going on here?" he demands. Jenner scans his badge and enters a code into a security tablet. Archie can't move, his eyes locked on the timer

"Everybody, y'all heard Rick," Shane calls out, using his arms and voice to signal that everyone needs to move immediately.

"Get your stuff and let's go! Go now! Go!" he barks, the urgency in his voice making it clear that they're running out of time. Everyone else is yelling, and Mellody struggles to hear what they're saying.

Whirs and cangs Whirring and clanging noises echo through the room,

Rick frantically runs toward a closing security door that is blocking the way back out of the CDC. Mellody tries to follow him, but Dale grabs her, pulling her back to keep her from getting hurt by the closing doors.

"No," Glen cries out as he watches the doors shut. "Did you just lock us in?" He's panicked, rather than angry. Jenner broadcasts a video on the monitor screen, causing Archie to run toward him.

"What the hell?" Archie shouts, approaching the doctor.

"We've hit the 30-minute window," Jenner states, speaking to himself, his face appearing grim.

Daryl charges towards him, intent on attacking, shouting, "You son of a bitch!"

Rick yells, "Shane! Shane!" When Shane abruptly trips on Archie's foot, he merely glances back at him in anger before turning his attention to the doctor once more.

"You locked us in here!" Daryl screams, his body vibrating with rage. He lifts his bottle as if ready to strike the doctor, but Shane and T-Dog quickly grab him and pull him back away from Jenner.

Rick holds Daryl back from Jenner, even as he continues to threaten the doctor with the bottle.

"Hey, Jenner, open that door now," Rick states in a flat, almost calm tone, though there is a hint of anger in his voice. He walks toward the doctor, his body language stiff and confrontational.

"There's no point. Everything topside is locked down. The emergency exits are sealed," Jenner calmly explains, which causes Dale to growl, "Well, open the damn things."

Mellody stands next to Dale, scared and confused as she watches

"That's not something I control," Jenner states, sounding like he's starting to get impatient. "The computers do, and I told you: once that front door shut, it wouldn't open again. You heard me say that, right? It's better this way."

Mellody's face becomes pale and trembling as she feels her body's reaction to the alarm and the closing door. Everyone acts in a way that makes her fear for her life and she feels paralyzed. She does not respond when Archie touches her, but she hugs her doll tight to her chest.

"V.I., define," Jenner requests. Mellody had been tuning out of the conversation between the others, as it has mostly consisted of yelling and anger directed at the doctor. But the description of H.I.T.s catches her attention.

“H.I.T.s-high-impulse thermo baric fuel-air explosives consist of a two-stage aerosol ignition that produces a blast wave of significantly greater power and duration than any other known explosive except nuclear. The vacuum-pressure effect ignites the oxygen at between 5,000 degrees and 6,000 degrees and is useful when the greatest loss of life and damage to structures is desired.” VI said

"It sets the air on fire," Jenner states simply. "No pain."

Carol comforts Sophia, crying softly as her daughter clings to her. Mellody feels the hand on her shoulder tense and tighten. Archie's face is filled with anger and his eyes are wide.

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