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Daryl walks out of the room, and Archie starts to follow him. Daryl walks into another room and plops down on the couch, letting out a deep sigh.

"Hey Archie, make yourself useful and pass me the bottle," Daryl says, motion toward the bottle of liquor which is on the floor.

Archie grabs the bottle and hands it over to Daryl. Daryl takes a long swig, his throat working furiously as he swallows the liquid quickly. Archie sits on the other end of the couch, trying to relax.

"I goddamn hate that guy, he thinks he's all that, he's fucking not. Fuck Rick!" Archie says, clearly upset.

Daryl doesn't seem to be listening, his attention focused on the bottle of liquor he holds in his hand.

"It's not like him, don't have much of a choice," Daryl nods.

Daryl holds the bottle out towards Archie, who reluctantly sighs before lifting the bottle to his lips and taking a quick sip. He swallows the liquid and hands the bottle back to Daryl.

“Do you think we're actually safe here?" Archie asks, turning to stare at Daryl.

“When are we?" Daryl responds, raising his eyebrows as he takes another long gulp of the drink.

As the power cuts off, Archie and Daryl look around in confusion, wondering why the power decided to shut down suddenly.

"The hell?’ Daryl grunts, sitting up quickly as he looks around for a cause.

"What happened to the power?" Archie asks, his curiosity growing, as he stares out the door and sees Jenner walking past.

Dale and Lori are standing in the hallway together, both looking slightly puzzled as they glance around at the sudden power outage. They watch as Jenner walks out of a door and heads down the hall, passing them without notice.

"Why is the air off?" Carol asks, her voice filled with concern.

"And the lights in our room?" Lori chimes in, her tone indicating that she is confused by the situation.

Daryl pokes his head out, still holding his bottle of liquor in his hand.

"What's going on?... Why is everything turned off?" Daryl asks, now sounding genuinely puzzled.
Mellody walks out of Lori's room and stands next to Carl, holding her doll tightly to her body while looking around calmly.

Jener grabs the whiskey bottle from Daryl without slowing down. Daryl starts to follow him, but Jenner doesn't even appear to notice.

"Energy use is being prioritized," Jenner says, his tone still flat and monotone.

"Air isn't a priority? And lights?" Dale asks with a tone of bewildermement.

Jenner drinks straight from the bottle, taking a deep swig as he walks past Andrea and Dale.

"It's not up to me" Jenner replies nonchalantly. "Zone 5 is shutting itself down," he adds, but he sounds completely unconcerned, his demeanor unaffected by Andrea and Dale's worry.

"Hey! Hey, what the hell does that mean?" Daryl calls out loudly, his voice indicating that he is not only irritated but also concerned by Jenner's answer.

Archie pushes past Dale quickly following Daryl as he heads after Jenner, who just keeps walking, seemingly unbothered by everyone's frustration.

Silence prevails as the power cuts off, leaving everyone in complete darkness.

"Hey, man... I'm talking to you," Daryl says angrily. "What do you mean it's shutting itself down? How can a building do anything?" He is very pissed, and he follows closely behind Jenner, getting so close that he is almost touching him.

Rick, T-Dog, Glenn, and Shane suddenly appear and join the group, their faces full of concern.

"You’d be surprised" Jenner replies, his tone still flat and emotionless. He walks down the steps without stopping or even turning around.

"Rick?" Lori calls out, her tone indicating that she wants him for something important.
Archie looks down and notices Rick and the others standing below, their eyes on him.
Jenner walks down the stairs past Rick and the others and up the steps to the big room.
Archie feels someone pulling on his shirt and looks down to see Mellody. She is staring curiously at Jenner, her expression reflecting a mixture of fear and curiosity.

"Why is the power out? What happened?" Mellody asks, her voice reflecting a mixture of fear and uncertainty.
Archie keeps an eye on Jenner as he replies, "The building is shutting itself down."
Mellody seems confused by his response, and asks, "How?"

"I don't know everything, how about you ask him yourself?" Archie snaps at her, his tone indicating that he is annoyed rather than compassionate.

Archie glances back at Jenner, his eyes tracking him as he continues to talk.

"The system is dropping all the non-essential uses of power," Jenner explains. "It's designed to keep the computers running to the last possible second. That started as we approached the half-hour mark. Right on schedule."
Everyone follows him closely, their faces showing varying degrees of concern. The red clock on the wall is at 00:31'27.

Jenner pauses at the steps that lead up to the work stations in the big room, taking the opportunity to take another drink from the bottle. Everyone has followed, and they are grouped around him. Jenner briefly looks at Daryl, whose expression is full of anger as he snatches the bottle out of Jenner's hands.

"It was the French," Jenner says dismissively, turning to Andrea

"What?" Andrea asks, her face reflecting her confusion and annoyance.

"They were the last ones to hold out, as far as I know," Jenner replies. "While our people were bolting out the doors and committing suicide in the halls, they stayed in the labs till the end." He pauses, his voice dripping with resentment toward the French.

"They thought they were close to a solution." Jenner finishes, walking up the stair as he talks.

Mellody's attention is drawn to the red clock on the wall, her eyes following as it counts down.

"What happened?" Jacqui asks, her gaze fixed on Jenner as he talks.
"The same thing that's happening here," Jenner replies. "No power grid. Ran out of juice. The world runs on fossil fuel," he says with a bitter tone. "How stupid is that?”

"Let me tell you-" Shane barks angrily, his voice becoming increasingly heated as he rises up the stairs, clearly about to start a fight with Jenner. However, Rick quickly jumps up after him, trying to get a hold of his shoulder to prevent him from starting a fight.

"To hell with it!" Rick yells. "I don't even care. Lori, grab our stuff. Everybody, get your stuff. We're getting out of here now!" Rick points the flashlight at Lori as he speaks, indicating that it's time to leave.

"Well shit" Archie mutters, feeling frustrated as he watches the crowd rush past him. Daryl grabs Mellody's arm, preventing her from falling as everyone runs toward the door.

"Get my things, Daryl," Archie shouts. The Alarm begins to blare loudly, triggering Archie's curiosity.
"What's that?" Shane asks, the alarm distracting everyone from the fact that they need to leave.

"Thirty minutes to decontamination," a robotic voice announces, displaying a timer on the big screen. Archie's eyes flick to the timer and watch as it counts down.

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