
22 4 1

Road back on the highway where this thing happened before we went too the hill for two months,

"Stay where I can see you" my dad says making me nod as I step out the car and looking around this place is a grave yard cars in line dirty windows busted tires doors open those things hanging out bones everywhere making me frown,

"Hey look what I found" Sophia says running to me grabbing my hand and pulling me to a car with two necklaces on the floor making me look at Sophia who's looking at me nodding putting one on making me smile as I put my best friend's necklace,

"What have you two got around your necks" my dad says as he fixes a car making me smile,

"Just best friends necklaces it look like two pieces are missing" I say looking down at the necklace seeing three parts missing Sophia got one but where the other two,

"Hey look what we found" Luke shouts making me look up seeing two necklaces in his hand maybe he found them,

"They match with yours" Luke says catching his breath making me smile and take one handing one to Sophia I put one around Luke's neck as Sophia dose carls making us all smile connecting our necklace together making a heart with them making us all smile, as we pull away our necklaces falling as we do,

"Everyone under the car now" someone shouts making me look around hiding underneath a car seeing Sophia holding her teddy making me frown and quickly crawl out to her car holding her hand making her smile, if she goes down I go down aswell,

I put my finger to my lip making her nod as footsteps walk pass us dragging there feet as they do I look past the feet seeing Rick looking around till his eyes meet mine frowning, making me frown,

I grab my knife that my dad gave me incase if anyone try's hurting me good idea since I just stabbed a thing pulling the head down slowly taking my knife out watching as the feet walk over him making me hold my breath and warp my arms around Sophia as they walk by,

It's been 2 minutes there still walking pass us making me frown my body is hurting from the ground underneath me, I keep quiet as one off those things fall over the thing I killed before making Sophia climb out from underneath me following I watch as three walkers are on our tail,

I grab Sophia's hand making sure not to let go as we run for our life I swing around a tree taking Sophia with me putting a hand to her mouth keeping her quiet making me nod at her,

I can hear my dad voice and ricks voice making me smile as I hear footsteps running making me smile

"Molly where are you" my dad voice rings out making me smile as I step out watching as my dad pulls me into a hug as Rick grabs Sophia before frowning telling us we need to go since more walkers was on us,

I wrap my arms around my dads neck as he runs keeping a strong gip on me making me hide my face into his chest as we keep running I feel my feet back on the ground as I pull away from my dad looking around seeing no Sophia just an out off breath Rick making my eyes water,

"Where's Sophia" I shout feeling more tear stream Down my face as I look at Rick then back at the wood climbing over the barrier getting pulled back into a hug making me cry into there shirt,

"Find Sophia or I will" I say walking from my dad and to a car climbing on it and sit down messing with my necklace frowning I lost my best friend and nobody even cares,

"Mol you ok?" A voice says making me nod not wanting company at the moment I jump as someone puts there hand In mine that is on my lap making me look up seeing Carl next to me looking into the woods frowning,

"My dad said we can go find her tomorrow since it dark" he says making me frown and nod pulling my knees up to my chest frowning as more tears come down,

"Hey don't cry your too pretty too cry" he says making me look up did i hear that right? He called me pretty, I feel a smile on my face as I hit his arm making him wince and smile,

"That was for calling me pretty" I say watching his face go down like he's thinking a pink blush on his cheeks showing me his freckles I didn't know he had so Many there nice wishing I had freckles like that you can see my freckles but not clearly only if you look closely,

"I'm sorry about Sophia" he whispered making me frown and close my eyes thinking before opening them frowning,

"It's fine I just miss her that it" I whisper making him nod we both lost a friend, but we won't lose each other right?

"You'll never leave me right Carl" I ask watching him turn to me smiling making me smile, and squeezing my hand making me smile even more,

"I'll never leave you mol I promise" he whispers making me smile as i lean my head on his head smiling listening to the bird chirping,

"Pinky promise?" I ask holding my pinky out getting a pinky warped around mine making me smile,

"Pinky promise" he says making me smile as I lay down disconnected our hands and pinky as I do making me smile as he lays next to me smiling,

"There my mum" I say pointing to a bright star smiling,

"Is that really?" He ask making me nod and smile my mum was watching me well maybe us probably,

"I found some Kit Kats" he says holding up a red packet making me smile as i put my hand out waiting to be give one i smile as I get given one biting into it before laying back down eating the last part off my Kit Kat,

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