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Run, my dad says as I jump into a car hiding with Lori and her son Carl, my best friend, since birth we been friends, he like comics and Kit Kats he has short brown hair and blue eyes just like his father Rick who got shot while at work with my dad,

"I'm scared" I whisper to my dad making him warp his arm around me pulling me into his side,

"As long as I'm alive you don't need to be scared, daddy will always be here for you" he says smiling making me smile since our mum died giving birth to me I became his pride and joy, getting spoiled every weekend,

"Mol, wanna share some chocolate" Carl says making me smile and nod getting Handed two Kit Kats making me smile and bite into one as he bites into his,

"Hey buddy can you stay with molly while I'll talk to your mum" my dad says getting a nod from Carl who face is full off chocolate making me chuckle and grab a wipe I touch his face making him flinch before smiling as I wipe his face getting rid off the chocolate,

"All better" I say putting the wipe in a bin we had in the car every time we go out on the weekend, I watch him smile and hold up a comic making me smile and grab his hand pulling him to my dad car waiting for him to open the comic so we could see the pictures,

"Wake up molly" my dad says shaking me making me yawn and sit up looking around hearing little snores next to me making me smile as i take the comic from his hand and stepping out not seeing cars just trees and woods,

"Where my comic" a voice says making my face go wide and hide it behind my back hoping he won't find it,

"I'm sure mol had it last" my dad say's smiling and raising his eyebrows making Lori laugh at him making me smile before frowning seeing a boy looking at me angry,

"Mol do you have my comic" he ask making me smile and shake my head even though I still had it hiding it behind my back,

"Can I have a hug mol" he says leaning closer to me making me duck and running off laughing as I hold up the comic hearing someone shouting telling us to keep in eye sight making us both laugh as we run,

I feel my body go flying as I hit the ground ground as a someone falls on me making me wince the person was heavy cutting off my breathing,

"I said you had it mol" the voice says making me open my eyes seeing a pair of blue eyes looking at me smiling I feel a laugh come up as someone tickles my neck making me smile,

"Carl get off my daughter" my dad shouts running to us Lori probably following him making me laugh as I look to the side seeing Lori catching her breath and my dad crossing his arms like he dose at work,

"I don't like how close they are" my dad says to Lori who hits his arm smiling,

"There kids let them have fun" she says walking to Carl tickling his side making him fall off my laughing I feel my knee stinging,

"Come on let get you both bandages up" my dad say picking me up giving me a piggy back ride back making me wrap my arms around his neck the wide flowing through my dirty blonde hair,

"You too need to be careful" my dad says ruffling our hair's mess mine up making me frown as I look at him watching him smile before kissing our plaster making us laugh,

"You got some dirt" I say pointing to my nose making him smile and rubbing his nose making me laugh as he dose,

"Is it all gone?" He ask turning to me making me smile and frown,

"Almost let me help you" I say moving my finger to his nose where the dirt is i quickly flick his nose making him whine as I laugh as eyes water before I feel someone pinching my arm making me wince as they do making me glare at him,

"Who want some marshmallows" my dad say's coming back from our car with a bag off marshmallows making me smile,

I watch as some people burn there frowning as they take it out the fire making me look at my dad who's smiling, marshmallow sticking to the side off his mouth making me smile more as I eat my marshmallow feeling the marshmallow melt in between my chews making me smile as I put another one on the stick and sticking it into the fire waiting till it goes golden brown,

"Here you big baby" I say handing Carl mine since his was burnt and he was tearing up before taking a bite off marshmallow getting some stuck to the side off his face making me chuckle,

"So what was everyone job before we came here" a Korean guy says eating a marshmallow getting some people talking,

"I was a police officer" my dad says smiling as everyone thanks him for keeping there street clean for bad guys,

"We went to school and this idiot forgot his lunch so I had to share my chocolate sandwich with him so he wouldn't go hungry" I say smiling at Carl who's smiling at me proudly,

"It was a good sandwich as-well" he says making me smile,

"I'm still waiting for a chocolate sandwich from you it's been three weeks Carl and I'm still waiting" I say tapping my watch that I had on my arm making his face frown,

"Well these two have been together since the day they were born" Lori says running her hands through her hair making me smile she's not kidding we been friends for 12 years,

"Did you know if you keep eating chocolate you can die" I whisper to Carl who's laying in the bed next to me kicking my leg, "go to sleep mol"

"Your my best friend Carl" I say watching him turn around to me smiling grabbing my hand squeezing it making me smile,

"Your mine mol nothing will change that" he says making me smile as my eyes close sending me into a sleep feeling something warm holding my hand making me smile,

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