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Hugs my dad quickly gives me a hug feeling me head frowning as he looks at me then at Lori, before Lori smiles at me then at my dad watching his face go down,

"My little girl is becoming woman" my dad says as Lori nods making me smile as he picks me up spinning around, "your alway gonna be my little girl no matter what age you are" he says making me smile how did he even raise me as a single parent with a job no idea,

"Mol your ok" a voice says running to me smiling as he pulls me into a hug making me cough as he dose making me hug him back,

"What happened I saw Shane running over here so I followed and my mum pushed me and him out leaving me wondering what happened" he whispered making me chuckle and look down,

"You'll understand when you get your first girlfriend" Lori says making me smile as I pull away from him watching him pull out a chocolate handing me a piece making me smile and jump around before eating the chocolate,

"Dale tell me what you see" my dad says running up to the Rv me, Carl and Lori behind him wondering what happening I feel Lori warping her arm around my shoulder keeping me close doing the same to Carl as a red car comes speeding up a van following behind making everybody run as the people walk out my dad shouts at the Korean guy making me run over to him hugging him feeling a hand on my back making me smile I spin around seeing Carl running tears steaming Down his face as he runs into ricks arms Lori watching as he stands up keeping Carl with him as he hugs Lori pressing a quick kiss to her lips making me smile,

"Rick your back" I say running to him getting picked up as I hug him smiling

"I thought you died don't do that again" I say hitting his shoulder making him chuckle and put me down making me smile Carl got his family back I only have my dad but that enough for me,

"I met a nice guy on the way here" Rick says running his fingers through carls hairs making him smile as he watches his dad talk, Lori been looking at my dad glaring at him every now and then,

"Hey sweet pea you haven't eaten" my dad whispered making me frown,

"Not hungry" I whispered giving him my plate and rubbing my eyes making my dad smile,

"Please eat sweet pea" my dad whispered putting my plate back in my lap making me look at it frown beans again they make me sick to my stomach, I slowly eat it feeling my stomach cramp again making me wince and look at Lori who's rubbing carls face smiling,

"What are we gonna tell Dixon" the Korean guy says making everyone look around frowning,

"That I hand cuffed him to the roof" Rick says making me frown at cuffed, I watch as the fire glows a bright orange as someone puts another log on making my dad frown,

"Was that necessary Ed" my dad says watching as the man smoke blowing it near his children who's are snuggled up to Carol who's frowning,

"It's cold man" he says making my dad stand up making me stand up as well I watch as everyone watches us,

"We keep the fires to a limit to keep out off sight" my dad says making me nod agreeing with him before look at Lori who's patting a spot near her making me smile and walk over to her frown as I watch my dad walk closer,

"Shane don't" Rick says making me thank him in my head I watch as Carol pulls the log out burning her fingers poor lady stuck in that relationship,

"Hey you kids alright" Rick says bending down in the middle off our camp beds making me nod Carl doing the same, I smile as Rick kisses us both goodnight before going to Lori who's smiling, I look at Carl who's looking at me smiling,

I feel my eyes close sending me into a sleep my body relaxes as I feel another kiss on my head making me wonder who did it,

"Wake up sweet pea I'm taking you both to catch frogs" a voice says making me smile and sit up yawning still thinking about who kissed my head last night, I stand up yawning grabbing a shirt slipping it on before slipping on my shorts and doing the button before slipping on my red high top converse smiling at my outfit, I walk out putting my hair that is wavy thank you to the brides in a pony tail pulling some stands from my hair letting them fall into my face making me smile as I stand next to my dad who's smiling,

"Best scary faces" my dad says making me smile and I pull a face Carl doing the same making me laugh as we do, I watch as my dad splashes the water trying to scare them making us smile as we lift up our net seeing dirt making us frown I move from the water sitting on a rock smiling as I watch my dad and Carl try and catch frogs,

"I need you two to go up there while me and Shane have a talk" Lori says making me frown,

"Why can't we stay here" Carl says making me frown as I wait for Lori to answer,

"Just go up take molly with you I'll be up in a minute" she says making me nod and smile as I step off the rock and falling into the water making me swim up smiling I watch as Carl walks to me holding his arm out for me to grab on to,

I grab his arm pulling him into the water with a splash making him frown before swimming to me making me laugh I'm not gonna get dunked,

I slowly climb out feeling my clothes sticking to my body making me shiver as I run my fingers through my dirty blonde hair that looks brown since it's wet,

"At least we both had a shower" I say smiling watch Carl nod and climb out also smiling,

"Let get you too dried up" Lori says walking to us making me smile and nod and walking away feeling the cold warp around me as I walk,

"What was you two thinking about jumping into the water" Rick says making me look at Carl smiling, as he dies his hair with a towel,

"I fell off the Rock and I pulled Carl in as he was trying to help me" I say smiling as loris brushes my hair,

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