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Two months we been here, my new friend Sophia is lovely alway helping me hurt Carl or something, she my best friend except for Carl,

"Molly guess what" Sophia says running to me making me smile as she stops in front off me catching her breath,

"I got some chocolate" she says holding up three chocolate bars making me smile and mouth water,

"Did I ever tell you how amazing you are" I say warping my arms around her making her smile and warp her arms around me making us both smile before getting something thrown at us making us pull away seeing a red face Carl and another boy holding mud making me smile this is now war,

"Mol I'm sorry I didn't mean too" Carl says making me smile as me and Sophia throw some mud at them making us both chuckle as we run again our hands connecting as we run from the shouting boys who are chasing us,

"Luke what the hell" Sophia says pushing her brother off her making me smile before getting tackled onto the floor making me wince as I look up seeing a pair off blue eyes looking at me smirking before I feel something wet in my face making me groan as push him off wiping my face down from the mud watching him smile,

"Your turn" I say rubbing his face with some mud making me smile as he opens his eyes glaring at me making me laugh,

"You look silly" I say watching him laugh making us all have a laughing fit,

"What happened too you four" Carol I think her name is says making us all smile and look at eachother five people aren't here anymore,

"We had a mud fight" Luke says before running to his mum Sophia following as someone walks up smoking another cigarette the guy who didn't like my clothes making me glare at him pulling Carl away sending Luke and Sophia a small goodbye,

"Hey sweet pea what happened" my dad says making me smile at him,

"Mud fight with Sophia,Luke and Carl" I say watching him smile and roll his eyes before walking to our car and grabbing some wipe before walking back over to me making me smile,

"Close your eyes sweet pea" my dad says making me nod and close my eyes feeling something wet near my eyes making me flinch as he rubs my face probably trying to get rid off the mud,

"What happened to her mother" a voice says making me look down feeling a hand rubbing my shoulders,

"She died in the process" my dad says frown making me pull him into a hug feeling my eyes water against his shirt,

"So since then I have been a single parent we would go on tips every weekend" my dad says rubbing my back making me smile at the moment back then,

"Mol wake up" a voice says making me whine and turn around looking at the boy who's smiling at me,

"What I'm trying to sleep" I whisper shout making him smile even more before holding up a comic and flash light making me smile,

"Fine I guess you don't want to read this comic with me then that's fine I get it" he whispers making me jump out off bed and sit next to him smiling waiting for him to open the first page,

"Did I ever tell you how much I hate you" Carl says making me smile and look down at him who's smiling at me, his eyes look like crystals how have I never noticed this before,

"You tell me every day" I say watching a small frown pop on his face making me frown wondering what made his face go down,

"You ok?" I ask watching him sit up and nod making me frown knowing he's lying, he never been good at it,

"I'm gonna head to sleep it's late" I whisper standing up and walking to my camp bed ready to slip into my sleeping bag before I feel someone next to me,

"Don't ever leave me" he whispers pulling me into a hug making me smile and hug him back feeling his breath on my neck sending a shiver up my back,

"You don't leave me either" I whisper in to his shoulder since we are close to the same hight I'm just a few centimetres smaller, I pull away smiling as I watch him blink arms still around me making me frown,

"You ok?" I ask shaking his shoulder making him snap back smiling and chuckling before letting me go,

"Fine just thinking" he whispers making me nod and slip into my sleeping bag feeling my eyes shutting drifting away into a sleep,

"Who that" i say as Lori watches my dad talk though a radio since someone was on the line hoping it someone nice and not like that guy with the cigarette and big tummy,

"There gone" my dad says standing up looking at Lori who's frowning,

"Knew we should have put a sign up on the high way to warn people" she says walking away Carl following before my dad stops him ruffling his hair before following Lori wired,

"Dad" I shout grabbing his hand pulling him to my picture I did with Sophia and Luke making me smile as I watch him,

"Your an artist" my dad says making me smile and nod, feelings light headed,

"Dad my chest feels funny" I say looking up at him watching his face drop and go pale before picking my up taking me somewhere,

"Daddy what happening" I whisper feeling my chest hurt more then before, what's happening to me, i quickly get put in my bed lori running in feeling my head frowning telling my dad and Carl to get out and don't come back in till she says,

"Hey mollymoo what dose the pain feels like" she whispers making me move over to give her room to sit down smiling while warping her arm around me letting me lean into her side,

"Like cramping like someone keeps pinching my chest" I whisper hearing a little chuckle,

"Listen to me carefully ok sweets" she says kissing my head making me smile,

"Your turning into a woman I didn't think it would happen right now but I'm gonna give you something don't tell Carl or anyone it's keeps between us too ok mollymoo?" She ask making me nod and smile watching as she walks around the tent to her bag and pulling a pink thin package out before handing it to me making me frown,

"How do I use this" I whisper getting a chuckle from her, watching as she opens the pink package showing me,

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