1. Chapter 1: Sunday in the forest.

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[Will's POV]

- Dad, I'm gonna head out now! – I announced from the door, lifting my backpack, and throwing it over my shoulder. I was so excited, finally, a free day for myself in the mountains.

- Hang tight boy, let me see you off. – My father said as he started walking down the stairs. I left my backpack and my gear on the floor, and went to help him. He grunted when I approached but I knew that he appreciated the help nonetheless. He was a prideful man after all, but I was his son, and I would do anything for my pop. – Thanks kiddo, those damn stairs keep getting steeper and steeper. – I just chuckled to his comment and helped him get all the way down regardless.

- Don't push yourself too much pops. Are you sure you'll be alright? – I asked, worried, but the man just frowned and patted my back. – Clara should be coming back from work in an hour, so please dad, promise me you'll be fine. – I took his hand in mine and squeezed it tight. I know he hates this, but he needs to rest.

- I have a bad heart, I'm not crippled. – He grunted and started walking towards the kitchen.

Our house wasn't big, we lived in a small cabin by the edge of the woods, close to a tiny rural town, named Woodberry, in Northen Ireland. We were farmers, emphasis in "were", why you ask? Well, my dad and my mom used to run the farm, but she died 10 years ago. She had an accident in town, but I really don't want to think about it. And now, the latest news is that my dad has a genetic heart disease. I'm no doctor, but from what he's said, his heart is in a very weak state, and can't handle most physical activities, even walking sometimes gets hard for him.

- I know pops. I just worry. – Because it's my job to worry! Why can't you make it easy for me dad?!

- Bloody hell kid, you worry far too much. – He said as he opened the fridge, finding a jug filled with water. – What are you doing standing there like a fool? Come give me a hug and get going. – That made me smile. I helped him pour a glass of water, not that he needed me, but I still wanted to. Then I hugged him, as hard as I could.

My father is a big man, standing at 6 feet and 2 inches. He has a belly, brown hair and a bushy beard, with some freckles spread across his face and shoulders. All that combined makes him look like a grizzly bear, and I really love that about him, he is just so huggable. I smiled at him and he ruffled my hair, my red hair, which I got from my mother.

I am an average guy, not as tall as pops, but tall enough to ride the attractions at the fare. I'm a 5-feet-7-inch-tall man, and a bit on the muscular side, mainly because of farm work. My hair is exactly like my mom's and my freckles like my dad's, but most importantly, at least for me, I have a nice pair of green eyes, which are the same as my mom's.

I actually love my looks. Although, it took some time to get used to it, mainly because when I was little some bullies used to call me carrot, making fun of me. I remember coming back home crying, but mama would always be there to cheer me up. So, you know what? I ended up loving my hair, a lot actually. And jokes on them, I grew used to that nickname, using it as my own trademark.

- Did you grab the eggs? – My father said while pressing his hands against my shoulders. – I want to make breakfast.

- Why don't you wait for Clara? It's 8 am, she should be here soon enough. – I reminded him. Clara better not be late, or I'm going to skin her alive. She's doing some extra hours to get some more money, but today is my special mountain day, and some extra notes were not going to ruin my fun.

And don't get me wrong, a little extra money is always appreciated; but I'll go back to my job and college tomorrow. So that should be enough for this month at least.

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