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The full moon was rising, which meant one thing and one thing only. Those beasts were currently wandering around in the forest, waiting for their next prey. Maybe a bunny, a dear perhaps, but the hunter knows full well what they're really after, human flesh.

Monsters, there is no other way to call them. They lurk in the dark and attack without a trace of remorse. But I dare them, I dare them to show their wretched faces in front of me, let's see how that turns out.

The thoughts of the man take him to some dark and cold places, the exact opposite to the cabin in which he and his companions were staying. The inside was warm and cosy, the room illuminated by the fireplace, the sofa and chairs made with the fur of skinned werewolves that he killed himself, their heads were decorating the walls. The hunter took special pride from the one head in the middle, an alpha beast.

It took him four days to track the bloody bastard, then five more to tire him and finally kill it. But it was worth it, and the trophy decorating his living room is proof of it.

- I'm telling you fellas! We need to move to America. – One of the men, whose name was Marcus, shouted and the others frowned at his tone of voice. – The packs there are scattered, which gives us a higher chance to get them kills.

- Agreed, I sniff easy money on this one. Besides, we can't afford to keep going like this, we can barely buy supplies anymore and the nights are too dangerous to hunt. If this continues, we'll have to suck on the whore's tits for milk. – This time it was Andrew who spoke his mind, with that sarcastic tone that was so characteristic of him. The hunter knew his men had been plotting among themselves, but he never expected they wanted to retreat. That fact alone made his blood boil with anger and disappointment. – There are far more opportunities in America, even more now that the fools slapped those meddling English in the face. – Andrew continued with his speech, a smug expression on his face. - A free country they say, them poor fools. – Andrew couldn't help but laugh at his own comment. - Americans, what a curious lot.

Marcus was a short fat man, with long and dirty red hair, which falls on top of his shoulders. Which looks ridiculous since he has a huge bald spot on the top of that big head of his. Andrew on the other hand is a tall and slender man with a deranged look. His hair was blond and he kept it tied in a ponytail.

- My nephew lives in Pennsylvania, I'm certain he can take us in for the time being. – One of the ladies said, minding her tone of course, as this was men's talk.

- Maybe we can settle there and make our own business, earn a fortune and start anew. – After the intervention from the woman, Marcus announced his plan enthusiastically. – We need to make our own money, now that the cowards from church decided to sign that horrendous paper with those beasts. – Marcus slammed his fist on the table, sending one of the mugs directly to the floor. His wife, the woman that talked before, hurried up and picked up the pieces. – My apologies, I lost my temper.

- Is alright love, I'll fetch the broom at once. – She said with a low voice, picking up the bigger pieces and then throwing them in the trash as she went to get the broom.

- I heard that land was infested by witches, are you certain it won't be dangerous? – The fourth member of the council spoke, questioning Marcus, to what the man responded with a squeak, as if he were a mere pig.

This other man was Peter, the hunter's right hand man and best friend. Peter's actions have always spoken louder than his words; he was deadly, silent and knew how to keep his cool in the worst situations. That's exactly why he earned his spot in the order.

- The witches won't be a problem dear friend. – Marcus replied with poison in his mouth. – The American's have been setting fire to them since the fifteenth century, which means that those Satan's pawns will not bother us.

Never been too fond of Marcus, the hunter thought as his subordinates continued the discussion. The man was so pathetic, with that habit of clenching his teeth and puffing his cheeks when things didn't go the way he wanted.

- Hasn't it been two centuries since they've stopped? If I remember correctly the last witch burned in Salem a long time ago. – Andrew smirked and Marcus sent him a death glare. – I can't understand why the church decided to stop hunting the werewolves, but they still hate the witches. – He questioned and the hunter must admit that he thought the same too. They were monstrosities, creations of the devil itself, then why? Why stop now?

- It's not our right to question them brother, we must simply obey. – Peter with his resolve of steel simply stated the facts as the others looked at him with hate and annoyance in their eyes.

- I've heard a rumour. – The hunter's wife decided to step in. She was far more confident than Marcus's wife, and far more beautiful than her. – Apparently those beasts helped in the French revolution, and gained the favour of those fools. They moved from there, and expanded their influence, through Europe. The church couldn't resist the pressure of the masses, giving them humans rights. – She cringed at her own comment, but still offered the hunter a loving glance. The hunter returned her gesture with a smile of his own, the first and only one he has mustered since this whole conversation started.

- I knew the French were idiots, but I never imagined they were that stupid. – Andrew joked and Marcus laughed.

- Shall we continue discussing our moving plans? – Moving plans? The hunter was getting restless at this point. Last time he checked, he was the leader, and he wasn't getting the respect that he deserved.

- I'm not moving. – The hunter finally spoke, tired of hearing them mumbling among themselves like fools. He walked away from the window and reached the table, looking towards the depths of the forest surrounding them. - I know going to America may be the best option, so I'll let you all go if that's your wish, but I can't, and I won't.

- But captain... - Marcus was about to defy him, and that was unacceptable.

- Quiet Marcus! – His lips were shut as fast as they opened in the first place. – I'm staying, and that's final! – After yelling for a second time, the hunter calmed down and returned to his usual demeanour. - That doesn't mean I'm blind to the situation. America sounds like the best choice, and no matter how much we try, there is no future for the order here. – They stared at him with disbelief in their eyes. They were scared to muster a single word since they were expecting the hunter's next move. – This is my country, and as long as my family lives in these woods, we'll make sure to keep the citizens safe from those monsters. But you? You expand... I'm giving my dreams to you lot.

- Captain... - Peter trailed. The man would miss him, as he was the most loyal of them all, a great hunter and better friend. – We can't move alone, you are the foundation of this order, without you we would crumble to pieces. – Marcus seemed displeased with Peter's speech, and the reason was clear as day.

- That is why I must stay. I can't leave the people unprotected. Besides, my children will fight by my side, and god knows I will make my wife bear as many of those as possible. – The man said with a bittersweet chuckle, making his wife's cheeks turn red. – Ireland is my land, and my heart belongs here. I know I'm being selfish, but so are you. So go in peace brothers. – Peter had no more words, and Marcus was smirking without shame.

- Tomorrow you'll start packing your stuff, we can't wait much longer. – He ordered, not hearing what any of them had to say any longer. – But tonight, we'll hunt, we may be few, but god will watch over us.

- Their blood shall feed the soil that our children will use to harvest the goods of the father. – Peter began to recite the holy oath of the order.

- Their cursed souls shall burn in hell for eternity, until Jesus himself comes and purifies this land. – Andrew continued.

- Taking us to better fields, feeding us with better food, allowing us to kiss and clean his feet, unworthy of us to be in his presence. – The three of them said at the same time and the hunter decided to join them for the last part, his favorite part.

- Because we are the servants of the father, God guides us as his sword, hence why we don't see, blind to all evil we only obey. We are the death eye of the father. – We all cried out to the heavens, hoping that God was listening, granting us safety in tonight's hunt, their last hunt in these lands.

- Long live the dead eye, may the hunt begin.

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