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"It's not the beginning if you haven't identified the end ." - Kate.


Three things happened to me before I turned 21 which completely altered my world.

1. My best friend died.
2. The end of the world
3. The new society.

When my best friend, Julia, died I thought it was the end of the world. However I soon realised that it was just the end of my world. We were all on the same ocean but in our own little boats and although it wasn't exactly true, it sure felt like my boat had sunk. Julia was everything to me and I just couldn't imagine that she was gone. The way she died too is still a  mystery to me. I've never had my heart squeeze itself shut before. The pain was so unbearable that I would just sit shut in my room for the rest of the school year. The life I once knew outside was completely gone. And this was just the beginning.

As crazy as it sounds, the end of the world happened. And we weren't ready at all.

Now this isn't like an apocalypse and all, but it was close to it.

Our world, the beauty planet that we lived in and the societies that were once unique to its culture and geographical boundaries became a thing of the past. It was truly sudden.
The radio began to talk, then the people and finally it was worldwide.

What started off as a concern to our society became a worldwide threat and it slowly wiped out a third of the human race. It was the end of the norm that we comfortably enjoyed. An introduction to a series of changes that affected the human brain and its behaviour. We went from embracing and accepting to dividing and conquering. All emotional knowledge of the qualities of love, kindness, joy and such were completely erased from the memory and vocabulary. How? A strange occurrence. We suddenly had to survive.

A group of powerful people took over the start of the reign in fear. They were what we called Axis. Their love of order, power and forceful obedience caused them to eliminate any potential resistance that came their way. They set up laws and standards that removed any notion of trust. Installing barriers that were not only physical but mental and emotional.

However we just all thought it was the best way to survive. And we didn't need to question what happened to those who wanted to go their own way. We had seen it countless of  times.

So welcome to my world, a new era to home we called earth.

This is not an extraordinary story, but it's my story. A story of building one's self and conquering ones fears. A story that helps to realise why the rules were there in the first place.

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