Zoro snapped out of his trance, shaking his head to clear his thoughts. "Right. I'll untie you now."

Sanji's patience wore thin as Zoro took his time approaching him. "Hurry up, you damn cactus! I can't believe you'd leave me like this."

Zoro's jaw tightened. "Just give me a minute, clown."

Sanji's frustration boiled over as Zoro continued to take his sweet time. "I don't have a minute, Moron! I'm naked and tied up like some kind of idiot! Untie me now!"

As the last knot came loose, Sanji let out a relieved sigh, rubbing his sore wrists. Zoro couldn't resist the urge to lean in closer, his lips hovering tantalizingly close to Sanji's neck. Sanji, still rubbing the rope print on his wrists, tensed at the sudden proximity.

Before Sanji could react, Zoro's warm breath brushed against his ear as he whispered, "Againnnn~"

Sanji's heart skipped a beat at Zoro's words. He swallowed hard, struggling to compose himself as he felt Zoro's lips graze against his skin.

"No..." Sanji's voice wavered, his mind racing with conflicting emotions. Zoro's hands found their way to Sanji's waist, pulling him closer as he pressed gentle kisses along his neck.

"Mmffffl...AAhh...Staahhp!" Sanji's breath hitched, and Zoro smirked against his skin. The swordsman's hands tightened around Sanji's waist. "I liked how you moaned my name earlier... So submissive."

Sanji's blush deepened at the reminder. "I NEVER DID!" He snapped, pushing Zoro away with more force than necessary.

Zoro stumbled back slightly, caught off guard by Sanji's sudden aggression. He raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Touchy, aren't we?"

Sanji glared at Zoro, his chest heaving with anger. "I'm tired of your stupid games."

"You know you enjoyed it, Cook," he teased, a mischievous twinkle in his eye.

Sanji's glare intensified, his fists clenched at his sides. "I didn't enjoy anything, you bastard!"

Zoro took a step closer, enjoying the way Sanji's cheeks flushed with anger. "Oh, really? Then who was saying, 'Please Zoro I want you to fuck me, to breed me... Zoro, please'?"

Sanji sputtered indignantly, at a loss for words, as he struggled to come up with a suitable retort. "That's... that's... I'm leaving!"

Zoro continued. "Aw, come on, Cook."

Sanji turned on his heel and stormed out of the wine cellar. As Zoro watched Sanji dress up and go, a smirk played at the corners of his lips. He followed after Sanji, stepping out of the wine cellar and into the dimly lit hallway, he scanned the area, searching for any sign of the cook.

Spotting a familiar blond head disappearing around the corner, Zoro quickened his pace, his footsteps echoing against the wooden floorboards.

"Check it out, guys! Look at this big catch! Isn't it amazing?" Usopp said.

"Hey, Sanji!" Luffy called out cheerfully, holding up the octopus for him to see. "Look what Usopp and I caught! Can you cook it for us?"

Sanji eyed the octopus. "Well, well, looks like you boys had quite the successful fishing trip. But of course, leave it to the great Sanji to turn this octopus into a culinary masterpiece!"

Usopp and Luffy cheered in excitement, their mouths watering at the thought of Sanji's delicious cooking. At the kitchen Sanji rolled up his sleeves and got to work, expertly preparing the octopus with precision and skill.

Usopp's keen eyes caught sight of the rope marks on his wrists. He noticed the faint indentations left behind by the tight bindings.

"Hey, Sanji," Usopp began tentatively, his voice filled with curiosity, "what happened to your wrists? Did you get tied up or something?"

Sanji's hands stilled for a moment, a blush creeping up his neck as he tried to come up with a plausible explanation. His mind raced, searching for a way to deflect Usopp's question without revealing the embarrassing truth.

"N-nothing, Usopp," Sanji replied hastily, his tone slightly strained. "It's nothing to worry about. Just a minor accident, that's all."

"Are you sure, Sanji? It looks like you've been tied up pretty tightly."

Sanji's cheeks burned even brighter as he struggled to come up with a convincing lie. He glanced nervously around the kitchen, searching for a way to change the subject before Usopp pressed him for more details.

"Uh, it's really nothing, Usopp," Sanji insisted.

"Alright, Sanji, let's get cooking!" With that, the conversation shifted back to the task at hand as Sanji and Usopp worked together to prepare the octopus.



The story is complete! 🎉 (As in the chapters are finalized).

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