Chapter 13

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"Quick, little man! We've got to hurry! Everyone else is already having a blast at the picnic." Zoro tried to wake Asahi up.

"Sleepy..." the toddler rubbing his eyes replied.

"I know, I know. But guess what? We're going on a super-duper special adventure!"

"Adven-chur?" Asahi titled his head.

"That's right! We're going on a picnic trip! Are you ready for all the fun and tasty snacks?" Zoro asks.

Asahi nods enthusiastically, "Snacks! Yum!"

Zoro grins. "Oh, you know it! We've got sandwiches, fruit, and maybe even some cookies. But first, we need to get ready. Can you help Daddy pack the picnic basket?"

"Pack!" The toddler excitedly replied.

"Great! Let's put on your super-cool hat. It's time to be the bravest little pirate!" Zoro ruffled his toddler's hair.

Asahi giggled "Sword! Hat!"

"Now, do we have everything? Sword, check! Adventure hat, check! Big smiles, double-check!"

Asahi grinning "Check!"

Zoro proudly grinned, "That's my boy! Picnic, here we come!"

Nami kneeled down to talk to Asahi. "Hi there, cutie! You look like a little explorer with your cool hat!"

Asahi, feeling shy, just said, "Hat!"

Nami continued, "And those tiny shoes are adorable!"

Usopp joined in, saying, "Wow, what a cool outfit! Zoro, did you help pick it out?"

Zoro grinned and said, "Yeah, we both decided on the hat."

Nami tickled the kid, saying, "You're so precious! Welcome to our picnic!"

Asahi giggled and said, "Picnic!" excitedly, spotting a butterfly. Robin, relaxing with a book, smiled as she saw Asahi having fun with the butterfly.

"Alright, everyone! Drinks are ready!" Sanji carried a tray filled with glasses, each containing a refreshing beverage tailored to each crew member's taste.

"Here you go, Nami-swan~♡, Robin-chwan~♡ your favorite iced tea," he said, offering the ladies their glasses garnished with a slice of lemon.

"For you, Usopp, a tall glass of homemade lemonade," he grinned, placing the drink within reach.

"Franky, I made sure to get you your cola with extra fizz!" Sanji handed Franky a glass, careful not to spill a drop.

"And Zoro, your usual green tea," he said, placing the hot cup next to the snoozing swordsman."Umm.. where is Luffy?" Sanji questioned, surprised that he didn't jump in to grab a glass already.

Usopp glanced around, scanning the area for any signs of Luffy. "Hmm, last time I saw him, he was with Asahi, poking bugs near that big tree over there."

Sanji's brows furrowed in concern. "Poking bugs? Oh, that's not good. Knowing Luffy, he might've gotten carried away with some silly games. I'll go find him."

With a determined stride, the cook set off towards the tree where he last spotted Luffy and Asahi. As he approached, he could hear laughter mingling with the chirping of insects. Peering through the foliage, he spotted Luffy sitting cross-legged on the ground, a wide grin on his face as he watched Asahi chase after a particularly colorful butterfly.

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