Chapter 10

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Robin strolled through the city, thinking hard about the serious situation. If the baby Zoro found was linked to the troubling list, they had to do something quick.

She joined the crew at the inn, keeping the info to herself for now. She felt the baby Zoro found might be part of something bigger and darker. As the night progressed, Robin, spent her watch quietly researching the missing children and the island's recent events.

Next morning, the crew gathered in the common area of the inn, discussing their plans for the last day on the island. Zoro was proudly twirling the miniature sword in his hand, showing it off to his infant, unaware of Robin's discovery.

The baby's eyes widened with fascination, reaching out chubby little hands toward the shiny toy. Nami, who was nearby, rushed over to intervene. "Zoro! Are you out of your mind? You can't give a baby a sword! It's dangerous!"

Zoro scoffed. "Nami, relax! It's just a toy."

"toys have an age range. He should be playing with plushies not sharp swords! What if he pokes himself?" She explained.

Zoro smirked, ever the stubborn swordsman. "He's a tough kid, just like his old man."

Nami sighed, exasperated. "Give me that sword before someone gets hurt!"

Zoro grumbled but handed over the toy reluctantly. Nami shot him a stern look before turning her attention to the baby, who seemed content playing with a much safer, plush toy she had brought along.

Robin watched the crew chat, her mind still on the disturbing info. She decided to talk to Zoro carefully. "Zoro," she said, casual but serious, "I noticed you took extra care with the baby. How did you find him?"

Zoro shared the story of receiving a baby as a prize for winning a rigged game on the previous island. Robin listened closely, thinking about possible connections.

"So, Marimo here played the hero and rescued the little one," Sanji teased. Robin nodded, eyes on Zoro. "A commendable act. But, I found something during my stroll." She showed Zoro the flyer.

Zoro's eyes narrowed. "Missing children?"

"Yeah," Robin confirmed, "and one matches your baby's description." The atmosphere got serious. Luffy, Nami, and even Sanji focused on the conversation.

"What do you mean, Robin?" Zoro asked, and Robin explained her findings.

"We need to find out more," Nami said.

Luffy, still holding onto his hat, declared, "We're going to get to the bottom of this and help the baby's family!"

Zoro clenched his jaw, a mix of possessiveness and concern in his eyes. "What if his parents didn't want him?" he asked, his voice revealing the fear of losing the baby beneath his stoic exterior.

Robin could sense the vulnerability in Zoro's question and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We can't jump to conclusions, Zoro. Our priority is to find the truth, and if his family is looking for him, we'll do everything in our power to reunite them."

Zoro nodded, though the worry still etched on his face reflected the deep connection he had formed with the infant.

─ ・┈ ・ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈ ─ ・┈

Despite their thorough investigation, the crew couldn't locate the baby's parents on the bustling island. The missing child's family remained elusive, leaving the crew with a dilemma.

"What now?" Usopp asked.

Zoro, still holding the baby protectively, looked at his crewmates. "We can't just leave him here. If his family is out there, we'll keep searching for them. But for now, he's coming with us."

Luffy grinned. "Our crew just got bigger!"

Nami was practical. "What if his parents are on another island? We can't stay here forever." Robin suggested searching as they traveled. Chopper agreed.

With a plan in place, the crew set sail, determined to unravel the mystery surrounding the baby and reunite him with his family. As they sailed, Robin continued her research, gathering information about the missing children and any possible connections to the troubling events on the island.

Zoro was tasked with night watch and decided to take the infant with him. The aroma of freshly baked goods wafted through the air. Sanji approached the swordsman with a basket full of snacks.

"Hey, make sure you eat something," Sanji said. Zoro nodded in acknowledgment, accepting the basket.

Sanji turned his attention to the baby and said, "You, little one, better not be causing trouble for mommy here. If you're hungry again, just cry, and daddy'll make something for you."

The infant, oblivious to the conversation, giggled in response. Sanji couldn't help but crack a small smile before turning back to Zoro. "Anyway, I'll leave you two to your watch. Don't let anything happen to my snacks or the baby."

With that, Sanji disappeared, leaving Zoro alone with the basket of treats and the baby. Zoro opened the basket and found an array of pastries, sandwiches, and fruits. He took a bite of a pastry, savoring the taste, and glanced down at the baby.

Late at night, with the ship gently rocking on the waves, Zoro stood on the deck alone, holding the baby in his arms.

Zoro's voice barely above a whisper: "You're probably wondering why you're here with us. Well, it's a crazy journey we're on, filled with battles, adventures, and a crew that's more like a family. You've become a part of that family, whether you like it or not."

He chuckled softly, a rare sound coming from the usually stern swordsman. "I'm not good with words, kid. But there's something about you. You're small and fragile, and yet you've got this strength in you. It reminds me of someone."

Zoro shifted his gaze to the horizon, lost in thought. "I found you in the midst of chaos, and I couldn't just leave you behind." He tightened his grip on the baby.

He sighed. "I know we'll find your family, and when we do, I'll make sure they take good care of you. But until then, you're stuck with us."

As Zoro continued his vigil, the baby stirred in his sleep, as if sensing the sincerity in the swordsman's words. Zoro looked down at the tiny face, a flicker of a smile on his lips.

"Sleep well, kid." With that, Zoro leaned against the ship's railing, watching over the baby with a silent promise to keep him safe until they found the answers they sought.

As the first light of dawn painted the sky in hues of pink and orange, Zoro continued to stand on the deck, cradling the sleeping baby in his arms. He glanced down at the baby, who was now peacefully nestled against his chest.

"You know," Zoro murmured, "we can't just keep calling you 'baby' forever. You need a name..." He paused, as if contemplating the perfect choice. The sun continued to rise, casting a golden glow on the deck.

"I'll call you Asahi,"



Thank you for reading and to everyone who suggested a baby name. A big thanks to Shiomah for throwing in the name Asahi (A-Sa-Hi~~ means "sunlight"/ "morning sun") ⛅️*.゚

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