Chapter 2

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The day was sunny, and the Straw Hat Pirates were preparing for their next adventure. The ship was abuzz with activity as the crew stocked up on supplies and checked their weapons.

As the crew gathered on the deck, Luffy scratched his head and asked, "Has anyone seen Zoro?"

Nami, who held the map to both their adventures and their fortunes, rolled her eyes. "He's probably lost again. I'll go find him." With an exasperated sigh, she set off in search of their green-haired swordsman.

Hours turned into a full day, and there was still no sign of Zoro. The crew's distress grew, and Nami was already calculating how much this delay would cost them in terms of precious beri.

Meanwhile, Zoro's perpetually furrowed brow deepens as he peers at the blurry landscape, while the baby decides to turn his hair into a makeshift playground, tugging and exploring with sheer baby delight.

As he gently detaches the tiny fingers from his green locks, Zoro takes a deep breath, focusing his thoughts and suppressing any hint of frustration. He recalls the advice Nami often gives about using environmental cues to navigate.

He knows he has to find his way back to their seaworthy sanctuary-the ship.

Following the path of a meandering stream, Zoro trudges forward. The baby in his arms babbles happily, seemingly oblivious to the gravity of their situation. Zoro can't help but smile at the baby's innocence-it's a stark contrast to the battles he usually faces.

─ ・ ─

Back on the ship, Nami's footsteps were heavy with disappointment as she made her way to the rest of the crew to report her lack of success in finding Zoro. But just as she began recounting the fruitless search, her voice faltered and her eyes widened. There, emerging onto the deck with his characteristic nonchalance, was none other than Zoro himself.

He had large, weathered bags that seemed to scream 'cargo' to anyone who cared to look. Yet, appearances can be deceiving, and amidst the sea of supplies lay a secret that would soon stir the hearts of the crew.

Zoro's decision to keep the baby's existence a secret from the rest of the crew stemmed from his fear of their reactions. He believed they would be plain chaotic or force him to give it away, neither of which was appealing to him.

Running late, the ship sailed on, caught between the vastness of the sea and the fragile secret that bound their swordsman to an unforeseen fate. Zoro manages to keep the tiny traveler shielded from the prying eyes and ears of his crewmates.

But for how long?

Anxiously hugging an open bag close to his chest, he stealthily maneuvered around the deck of the Thousand Sunny. In the bag, nestled snugly, is his baby! Zoro's eyes darted around as he tried to conceal the bag's contents.

"Alright, little one," he whispered to the tiny being in his arms, "we've got to keep you hidden from the crew. Just stay quiet, and we won't have any trouble."

The baby in the bag responded with a series of adorable coos, seemingly oblivious to the situation.

Nami, with her impeccable sense for financial opportunities, raised an eyebrow at Zoro's bizarre behavior. "Zoro, are you hiding a secret treasure in that bag?"

Zoro, beads of sweat forming on his forehead, replied, "Treasure? No, just... uh, swords."

"Right," Nami said, clearly unconvinced.

Zoro let out a sigh of relief as Nami walked away. He glanced at the baby in the bag. "Phew, that was close."

Luffy shouted across the deck, "Hey, Zoro! Let's spar later!"

Zoro's eyes widened in panic, and he stumbled over his words. "Not now, Luffy! I'm... um... meditating!"


In the galley, Sanji was busy preparing lunch. Suddenly, the door swung open, and in strode Zoro with the bag slung over his shoulder. "Oi, cook, I need some milk." He declared, rubbing the back of the bag as he approached the busy chef.

"Oi, got any milk?" He asked as he approached the busy chef.

Sanji, who was adding the final touch to his dish, responded with an irritated tone. "Can't you see I'm busy here, Marimo? Milk's in the fridge. Get it yourself."

Zoro grinned. "You're such a sweetheart, Cook."

Sanji let out an exasperated sigh as Zoro helped himself to the milk carton. Just as Zoro was about to speak, a peculiar smell began to permeate the air, overshadowing the delicious aroma of Sanji's cooking.

Sanji's nose twitched. "What's that smell?"

Zoro, his signature nonchalance on full display, shrugged as if this was just another mundane occurrence. "what Smell?"

Sanji accusingly "Don't 'what smell' me! It's like..."

"Probably your cooking," he retorted with a sly smirk, his words a well-aimed jab at Sanji's culinary ego.

Sanji's grip on the knife tightened dangerously. "You insufferable moss-head," he hissed.

Before the situation could escalate further, a distinctive odor began to waft through the galley. Sanji's nose wrinkled in pure disgust. He turned toward the bag slung over Zoro's shoulder, realization dawning on him.

"That smell..." Sanji's voice trailed off as his eyes locked onto the bag. Suddenly, the realization hit him. He slammed down his knife and took a step closer to Zoro.

At this point, Zoro was trying to stay calm. "Well, it's not me; I can tell you that much." He attempted to discreetly shift the bag he had slung over his shoulder, attempting to keep it out of Sanji's line of sight.

Sanji's eyes darted to the bag slung over Zoro's shoulder. It was an odd bag, one that he hadn't seen before. Suspicion grew like a storm cloud over his head. "Hold it right there. What's in that bag?"

Zoro blinked innocently, clearly not registering the full extent of the issue. His grip on the bag tightened, almost protectively. "Bag? Oh, just some...stuff." He lifted the bag slightly, as if showcasing a mundane grocery haul.

"Stuff?" Sanji's voice dripped with skepticism.

Zoro shifted uncomfortably under Sanji's gaze. "Look, it's nothing important. I'll just leave."

As if on cue, a faint cry emanated from the bag, followed by a squelching sound that was unmistakable. Sanji's eyes widened, his jaw dropping in disbelief. "Is that... is that a baby?!"

Zoro scratched his head sheepishly, finally cluing into the problem. He sputtered, "A baby? No way! Why would I have a baby in my bag?"

Sanji's lips curled into a triumphant smile. "Because, moss-for-brains, that smell you're so conveniently ignoring? It's the smell of a dirty diaper."

Zoro's cheeks reddened, and he clutched the bag even tighter. "Fine, you got me. Maybe there's a baby in the bag. But it's not what you think."

Sanji's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Oh, this I've got to see. Show me."

sleepless swordsmanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora