Chapter 6

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The baby's loud cry echoed through the ship, causing the crew members to scramble in surprise. Sanji, who had been trying to calm his racing heart while smoking alone, immediately stubbed out his cigarette and rushed towards the familiar voice.

"What the hell happened?!" he exclaimed as he entered the crow's nest, his eyes wide with concern. 

Zoro, still holding the crying baby, looked flustered. "I, uh, dropped him for a second, but I caught him! I promise!" He tried to reassure both Sanji and the baby.

Sanji's eyes narrowed as he surveyed the situation. He was the only one who knew the truth, and now it seemed that secret was on the verge of being exposed. He took a deep breath, trying to keep his composure.

"Dropped him?" Sanji exclaimed in disbelief. "You're supposed to be babysitting, not practicing your sword skills!"

Zoro shot him a fierce glare. "I didn't ask for your opinion, Cook! Just help me calm him down!"

The baby's cries grew louder, and it was clear that whatever trust the infant had in Zoro had been shattered by the sudden drop. Sanji reluctantly stepped closer. He carefully reached out and took the baby into his own arms, trying to soothe the infant's sobs. 

"Shh, it's oway, lil one. Daddy's got you~♡" He shot a smug glance at Zoro. "Unlike some people, I know how to handle delicate things."

Zoro's face turned an even deeper shade of red, a mixture of embarrassment and frustration. "I can handle it just fine! I just... had a momentary lapse in concentration⏤"

"What's going on up there? And what's with the crying baby?" Nami's voice could be heard. The crew gathered bellow the crow's nest, curious and worried about what had transpired.


"A BABY?!" The crew's jaws collectively dropped.

Nami looked horrified. "Zoro, tell me this is some kind of practical joke."

Zoro scratched his head, trying to look nonchalant while holding a squirming baby. "Well, you see, it's a bit complicated..."

Luffy pointed at the baby and yelled, "I'll be his big brother!" stretching his rubbery limbs to form fantastic shapes and entertain the baby with his elastic antics.

The crew members took turns playing with the adorable infant, each trying to outdo the other. Usopp began weaving an epic tale involving the baby as the hero who defeated mythical sea monsters and saved princesses from towering fortresses. 

Chopper transformed into various adorable animal forms to amuse the child. The baby's laughter echoed across the Sunny Go as Chopper morphed from a bunny to a puppy to a tiny dinosaur.

Brook cranked up his guitar and started playing a catchy tune, turning the crow's nest into an impromptu dance floor. The baby bounced up and down to the rhythm, a pint-sized party animal in the making.

Robin created a mesmerizing display of animated origami creatures that danced and fluttered around the baby, eliciting delighted coos.

Sanji whipped up a batch of baby-friendly gourmet food, complete with colorful, artistic presentations that made the infant's eyes widen in awe. Even the baby's tiny taste buds were treated to a culinary adventure.

Zoro watched in stunned amazement as his crewmates transformed into a chorus of laughter and warmth around the baby. He had expected chaos and confusion when the baby's presence was revealed, not this heartwarming spectacle of his crewmates becoming instant caregivers.

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