Chapter 7

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Sanji finally stirred, blinking sleepily as he sat up. "What? Can't you see I'm trying to get some rest here?"

Zoro held up the squirming baby in front of Sanji's face. "This little brat won't let me sleep, and it's causing chaos in our room. I need your help."

Sanji squinted at the baby, still half-asleep. "It's your baby. Deal with it."

Zoro's frustration reached its peak. "Well, if you hadn't let the baby take that damn nap earlier, maybe it wouldn't be so full of energy now!"

Sanji's eyes shot open. "Wait, you're blaming me for this? Let me remind you that I've been changing all his diapers!"

"Changing diapers doesn't mean you're the only one responsible for the baby," Zoro hissed.

Sanji's face contorted in frustration. "I've got a big day of cooking ahead of me."

Zoro's eyebrow twitched. "You think I don't have training to do tomorrow? I can't afford to be sleep-deprived."

Zoro and Sanji engaged in a heated whispering match, both oblivious to the fact that the baby was now calmly snuggled in Zoro's arms, apparently entertained by their argument.

Their whispered argument continued, escalating in absurdity as they bickered over who was more responsible for the baby's current state of hyperactivity. 

"Eeeeeee-nyaaah! Goo-goo, gaga?" The baby, caught in the middle of their dispute, decided to join in by cooing and making exaggerated sad faces at each of them in turn, as if trying to win their sympathy.

Sanji looked down at the baby. "Oh, great, now it's taking sides. Figures it would pick you."

Zoro shot back with a glare. "It's a baby, idiot. It doesn't even know what's going on."

Sanji crossed his arms. "Well, since you know so much about babies, put him to sleep already."

Zoro leaned in closer, their faces almost touching as they whispered fiercely. "Maybe if his dinner wasn't so sugary, I wouldn't have to deal with a hyper baby now."

Sanji's nostrils flared. "His dinner was nutritious and well balanced!"

Zoro scoffed. "Well balanced, my ass."

Their argument continued to escalate, each word and insult getting more ridiculous as they stubbornly refused to back down. 

"Waaaaaah-!" The baby, sensing their escalating tension, let out a loud wail that startled both of them.

Sanji threw up his hands. "Now look what you've done! You've made the baby cry!"

Zoro shot back, "Me? You're the one who can't even handle a baby for five minutes without making it cry!"

"Wah-wah-waaaaaah-!" The baby's cries grew louder, and they both looked at it in desperation. Sanji grumbled, "Give him milk!"

Zoro nodded vigorously and hurriedly took the baby with him to the kitchen. Sanji followed suit, knowing that Zoro was going to give him the milk in the fridge. "Wait, Mosshead you can't give him regular milk! He needs baby formula!" 

Zoro froze mid-stride, looking panicked. "Baby formula? Where the hell am I supposed to find that in the middle of the night?"

Sanji let out an exasperated sigh. "I'll make some! Just give me a minute."

With that, Sanji dashed to the kitchen, leaving Zoro standing there with a crying baby. As Zoro tried to console the little one, Sanji began to search through the cabinets for ingredients. He didn't have any baby formula on hand, but he was a skilled chef and was confident he could come up with something suitable.

Thinking on his feet, Sanji started combining ingredients that he believed would mimic the nutritional content of baby formula. He mixed milk with a touch of honey for sweetness and a pinch of salt for electrolytes. He even found a small container of rice cereal and added a tiny bit to thicken the mixture.

 As he stirred the concoction, he muttered to himself, "This better work, or else Zoro will never let me hear the end of it."

After a few minutes of frantic mixing, Sanji poured the homemade baby formula into a clean bottle that he stole from Chopper's office and rushed back to where Zoro was still trying to soothe the fussy baby.

Sanji handed the bottle to Zoro. "Here, try this. It's the best I could come up with on short notice."

Zoro eyed the bottle skeptically but decided to give it a shot. He gently offered the bottle to the baby, who eagerly latched onto the nipple and started drinking. To both Zoro and Sanji's surprise, the baby seemed to enjoy the makeshift formula, and its cries began to subside.

Sanji couldn't help but feel a sense of pride as he watched the baby drink contentedly. "Who ish the beshth daddy?"

"Nommm, nommm... Coo~," The baby softly uttered between sips, its innocent eyes fixed on Sanji, as if trying to join in on their conversation in his own baby way.

Zoro grumbled but couldn't deny that Sanji's makeshift baby formula had done the trick. As the baby finished the bottle and let out a satisfied burp, Zoro looked at Sanji with a begrudging smile. "Okay, fine, you did good, Cook."

Sanji smirked. "Of course. Now, let's get this little one to bed so we can both get some rest."

With the baby now fed and no longer crying, Zoro and Sanji worked together to settle the little troublemaker. As they watched the baby drift off to sleep, their earlier argument seemed like a distant memory.

In the quiet of the room, Zoro spoke softly, "Thanks. I guess we make a decent team, even with a baby in the mix."

Sanji chuckled. "Just don't expect me to change all the diapers next time, wifey."

Zoro shook his head with a playful smirk. 

They both leaned down, peering at the peacefully sleeping baby, their hearts swelling with affection. The room was bathed in a warm, soft glow from the nightlight, creating a cozy atmosphere.

Sanji reached over, gently placing his hand on top of Zoro's, their fingers intertwining as they continued to watch over the baby.

In the quiet of the night, they exchanged a look filled with unspoken emotions. They didn't need words to express how grateful they were to have each other.

Sanji yawned. "I guess we should get some sleep too."

Zoro nodded, and they carefully moved the baby, tucking it in with the softest of touches. With a mischievous grin, Zoro playfully yanked Sanji's hand and led him to the couch, where they both settled in.

Sanji couldn't help but laugh at Zoro's antics. "You really can't get enough cuddling, can you?"

Zoro wrapped his arms around Sanji, pulling him close. "Well, I guess it's your fault for being so damn cozy."

Sanji rolled his eyes but snuggled closer to Zoro, resting his head on Zoro's shoulder. They both let out contented sighs as they melted into each other's embrace.

Outside, the moon cast a gentle glow through the window, adding to the tranquility of the moment. They cuddled in comfortable silence, enjoying the simple pleasure of being close to each other.

Zoro broke the silence with a soft chuckle. "Cook?"

The swordsman  looked at Sanji, a soft smile on his face as he slept.

Zoro planted a sweet, gentle kiss on his forehead, and in the quiet of the night, he held him close.

"Good night"



Help Zoro come up with a name for his baby. He'll be turning to you for suggestions. Drop your cutest, funniest, or downright quirky baby name ideas in the comments.

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