Chapter Seven - The Sports Festival

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All Shouta could think as he was in the ambulance. Staring at his little girl was. Why her? Why did he let her fight? Why this? Why that? Why? His head dipped, tears welling in his eyes. Was he a bad dad? There his daughter laid, bloodied, beaten, and broken... and here he was... just with a messed up elbow. The tears began to fall as the ER people worked quickly on his little girl.
Her eyes were closed, she was unconscious. Luna laid at her feet, stubbornly refusing to leave her humans side. He remembered the short time Izara had been unconscious. The cat straight from hell, as Hisashi liked to call her. Had stood over her human. Ears pinned flat to her head. Her pupils were so wide that you could no longer see her bright green eyes.
She growled, and stood at her true height. Attacking anyone who came to close with her shadows and hell fire. He admits, it had been both terrifying but also heartwarming to see. Sometimes, he forgets how protective the barely two year old cat was of Izara. He can't blame it either. Izara had found her, bitten around the neck and dying of blood loss, hungry, and thirsty in an alleyway. She'd taken the small almost lifeless kitten in. And treated her. Bringing the cat back to life, then despite how little she had... she made sure her cat had everything it needed.
Even if it meant she starved... Shota felt his heart twist as the doctors began to move faster, his head shot up, fear grilling his heart. "What's wrong!?"
"S-she's moving." His eyes widened and his eyes snapped to his daughter. They were right. Her none broken, more like shattered, arm was moving, barely, but twitching. Then it moved, reaching out for someone... comfort... she wanted comfort. His mind raced.
'Are you scared of anything!?' He yelled after Izara come home, after running head first to save her friend and take down a villain, the sludge villain which had been trying to take her friend hostage. She had instantly said, without hesitation, in a joking manner.
"Amen!" Hisashi yelled from upstairs. Shouts had pinched the bridge of his nose, he already knew that. In fact both he and Hisashi had found that out the hard way. It was a calm, normal day, when they heard a loud scream coming from the living room. Both men had run, booking it to the living room... where they saw her, somehow clinging to the ceiling fan as her eyes focused on something. Not letting it out of her sight. Confused, the two men walked over, Hisashi had also screamed, Shouta used his quirk on him quickly. Then jumped onto the table.
"Kill it!" His daughter had screeched. He looked up at her, amused. But did as she requested. Stepping on it. "Is it dead!"
"I just stepped on it."
"They're very resistant!" She screamed. He looked at her again, amused and curious.
"Is it dead!?" His husband added, laughing Shouta pulled away his shoe.
"Don't laugh at me!" The two had shouted. Making him laugh even more as they shared a look of surprise, then corrected.
"Don't laugh at us!" Then they said, "Is it dead!?" He looked at the very much dead spider, picked it up, which both screamed at, and threw it out the window. Laughing.
"Yes it's dead."
Shouta shook his head. Bringing himself back to his original train of thought. "That's not what I meant and you know it." She looked down and away.
"Belong alone... truly and utterly alone." She'd begun to cry. "A-all I could think of as, the villain had Kat as his hostage, was. If he'd died I'd be alone for real." Shouta moved, hugging her. "I-I don't want to be alone dad... I can't do that again... I could barely do it then... the amount of times I almost didn't treat my wounds because I felt so alone..." Shouta, again, shook my head. Bringing myself to reality and taking my daughter's hand.
"I'm here Iza... you are not alone." His lips quivered. "I'm here... dads here."


I walked down the hall with my dad, carrying papers, the entirety of my left face was wrapped, as was my left arm luckily no longer broken, torso, legs, neck, upper head, and I was just pretty much wrapped head to toe in bandages. Other than the right side of my face, and my right arm. I wore my old vigilante combat boots, and my old vigilante fingerless brass knuckle combat gloves. While resting in my pockets was the flashlight and taser I used to use as Vigilante gear.
We opened the door. "Morning class."
"Amishta!?" I blushed.
"Iza or Ami is fine...."
"Anyways, your fight isn't over yet." I glanced at him and sighed. Smiling nervously at my class.
"The sports festival is about to start. They're using it as a way to show that we aren't fazed. We also can't cancel it, you know being the most watched events in the world, taking the place of the Olympics. This is where you'll get scouted."

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