Chapter Three - Childhood Friends Together Again and Flash Backs

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I laid in my bed. Staring at the roof, the door burst open, I jumped up, my Hazel eyes meeting Crimson red. I instantly looked down in shame and guilt. He ignored that. Within seconds the blonde, slightly taller, male was hugging me, he sobbed as he held me in a Vice grip. Refusing to let me go, as if he feared I would disappear. Shakily, then, I reached up. Hugging him just as tightly. "Kat-suki..." Auntie Mitsuki's voice died down instantly. Her eyes focused on the scene before her.
Auntie Mitsuki smiled at us, and I looked up, smiling back at her. "You asshole!" Kat pulled away, glaring at me as tears streamed down his face, I smiled at him. "Why'd you leave..." The tears continued to fall.
"I'm sorry... I didn't want to... really... well I didn't want to leave you but..."
"Just shut up!" He hugged me again, I laughed.
"You're the one who asked." His grip tightened.
"Don't do it again." I hugged him back.
"Don't plan on it, Dynamite." He cracked a dry laugh.
"I hate you." His voice cracked.
"No you don't..." I countered, smiling. "You could never hate me." My voice also cracked. The exhaustion seeping out of me. And for the first time in seven long miserable years, I finally feel at peace. My eyes began to droop down.
"Katsuki..." he didn't even snap at his mom.
"I know mom..." he pulled off of me. I think that's the first time I've called her mom. Katsuki went to move. For some reason fear took root in my chest and my hand shot out, grabbing his hand in a vice grip, not tight enough to hurt, but tight enough to tell him to stay.
"Don't." Luna, who was by me, was glaring at him, but didn't. protest as she curled into my side. I just laced my fingers through her fur. Scratching her lightly and gently. My eyes began to close as I fought back the urge to sleep. "Don't leave me..." I don't want to be alone. I don't want to be alone ever again. My hand reached out, and laced with his. He glanced at me. Then settled in the seat beside my bed just as Uncle Masaru appeared. My eyes drifted close. My hand was holding onto Katsuki like he was a life line. As my eyes closed. Sleep over taking me.


A small girl rested in her father's arms. Her hazel colored, almost golden golden eyes with flecks of red and green mirrored his own eyes, his black hair and pale skin was a great contrast to her own sage green hair and tanned skin littered in freckles. The man rested his chin on the four year olds head.... But this four year old girl was no stranger. No she was me. I looked up, and saw my reflection on the TV, playing old pre-quirk movies and shows. There she stood, one of the many female, fictional, heroes that inspired me. Black Widow. "Daddy?"
"Yes, my Little WildFlower."
"Can I... can I still be a hero?" My heart swelled as little me looked up to my father. He'd frozen, and I flung myself waiting for his answer, though I knew it, and as he spoke.... My heart tugged.
"Little WildFlower... Do you know why I call you that?"
"Because roses are pretty?" He laughed, kissing little me's head.
"Yes. That's part of it. But also because they're strong. They can grow anywhere, do anything they want. Live through anything. They exceeded and overcame all obstacles and expectations..."he went quiet, his grip tightening on me. "You'll do the same." He rested his head on mine. "Because, though you may be quirkless, you are not limited, if anything." He smiled as he kissed little me's head again. "You're limitless because you see the world how others cannot..." he pulled away. "You, my little wildflower, can do and be whatever you want, because you'll be the Quirkless Hero: Amishta."

With a harsh yank at my navel the scene changed. I was no longer home. But instead standing numbly at my mothers side as I stared at the picture of a man I'll never see again. A man wearing a military get up, a man who's eyes mirrored my own, a man whose hair was darker than the night sky. A man who was a military man. A kind man... a hero. For during a battle against a terrorist group. He's given his life to save another. Little me stared at the picture, and looked down at the birthday card in her hands.
The last thing she has of her father, other than the blue teardrop pendant resting around her neck. He'd placed it around her neck before leaving. For the last time...

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