"Shomak, Shomak," Ela pleaded but it wasn't loud enough.

Ela supported herself on the kitchen table slowly moving back as Bhadran kept striding towards her. Her hand dragged along the edges of the table and suddenly missed dropping a large knife on her feet that made a deep cut beside her ankle.

"Ah!" She cried falling over the grocery boxes.

Bhadran's parted mouth closed abruptly. His eyes were fixed on the blood that oozed out of her cut. 

He leapt kneeling in front of Ela in one swift move and yanked her feet pulling her towards him.

"Ah!" Ela cried. 

With a deep-throated laugh he kept looking at Ela's wound. His tongue hung out of his mouth and saliva dripped from it falling on Ela's skin. Ela struggled to get out of his grip as he lowered his head and licked the blood off her feet.

"You filthy dirt," Bhadran's dreadlocks were grabbed from the back and he was yanked away from Ela. 

"Get out, I'll take care of her!" 

Ela stared in utter shock at Chandra who stood gritting her teeth at Bhadran. The Kaanthali slave, who suddenly seemed to have recoiled, bent down shying away.

"Out!" Chandra shouted at him and he immediately jumped up on the sink and crawled out of the kitchen window.

"Chan-Chandra?" Ela frowned.

"Awe! The mighty Jayu has fallen?" Chandra mocked.

Ela couldn't recognise her best friend. The woman standing before her was wearing a tight-fitted long dress over a torn-fitted pant, her breasts half out of the tight attire and there was an unknown loathing with which she stared at Ela. 

Her eyes were tilted upwards like that of a cat and she wore shimmering kohl stretched to the sides of her hairline.

"No matter how much you try Ela, you can never be like Chaarvi, and I made sure of that!" She said blowing a handful of greenish dust over Ela's face.

Chandra threw her head back laughing while a sharp pain shot up from Ela's stomach. It was the same wave that threatened to break her every bone.

Ela twisted from side to side as she felt a gush of blood coming out of her. The pretty blue saree she was wearing now smeared in blood down from her waist.

She scratched her nails on the wooden cabinets trying to fight the excruciating constant contractions hitting on her abdomen.

Then she heard it. 

The cry, the horrific scream that echoed. 

Any moment she would feel her energy being drained and her flesh ripping. 

"Shomak," she breathed but he was far away and Ela's broken call didn't reach him.

The only option she was able to choose was to send a deep plea to Oishi through her mind, "Help me!" she cried before her eyes rolled back and she fainted.

Shomak and Aditya snapped their eyes towards the door.

"What was that?" Aditya questioned.

"That was – " Shomak had heard it before which could only mean that thing was about to torture Ela again.

"Ela di" Oishi gasped snapping her eyes open from the concentration exercise Aditya was teaching. 

"She is under attack!" Oishi jumped down from the bed and rushed out of the room.

Sun Moon & Stars Volume III Curse Of The Third-EyeWhere stories live. Discover now