Part 20

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I went back home from school when I pass by Jullien at the pool, as usual he's getting drunk again. Me & the boys already search every possibility of Irene's whereabouts but still we failed. I went to him and sit beside him then he ask me

  " did you find her?" 

I shake my head "No but we are trying our very best "

 I don't know how to help him anymore he stand up and face me "Lee I miss her so much and it's killing me... {sigh } , maybe she don't love me at the first place maybe dad is right, maybe she just wants my money"

 I stand up and face him "don't ever say that Jullien, Irene is not that kind of a person"

 he just chuckle at me " oh really Lee then why it's so easy for her to just leave me, it's easy for her to give up"

 I just looking at him going back and forth while talking , and it boils my blood when he said something to Irene "maybe she's like those girls that just needs money in exchange of pleasure" I pull his collar then he laugh at my action "

  my mistake is that I did not try to get laid with her, maybe if I did taste her she will beg for..."

 I did not let him finish his sentence I gave him a punch in his face then I felt Nikki is holding me and Jaden help him stand, I point finger to him "how dare you ! don't you ever say that to her she's not what you think , I won't allow anybody to insult her

Jullien stood up while Jaden was holding him I heard Jade shouting at us "stop it already ! what are you doing?" 

then I felt Reese hug me from behind whispering " stop it Lee please

I calm down my self then I walk out to them.

{Nicholie POV }

we are just looking at Leo & Jullien talking suddenly Leo punched Jullien so we rush to stop them until Leo went out. Jade was about to follow him but I hold her arm " it's a bad idea to follow him"

then Jade face Jullien "what did you do1?"

 because too much drunkenness Jullien smirked at Jade " what? I just told him that maybe if I took advantage of Irene she will not leave me "

 then everybody was shock on what Jade slap Jullien " you & your mouth what do you think of Irene?" 

then Julllien shouted at Jade "wow Jade !! as if you don't know how it feels to be left behind ,as if I don't know that you like Leo here!!you should understand me because we feel the same way

 then Jaden interrupted "stop it Jullien your drunk stop it already Nikki help me with him

I help Jaden carry this stupid jerk to his room and I went back to Jade "are you okay? "

 she just nod at me "just forget what Jullien told you earlier, he's just drunk" 

then Jade gave me a deep sigh " I'm actually surprise on what I did to him, I will just apologize to him tomorrow, "

 I just look at her while she's crying , so what did Jullien told us earlier was actually true ,she look at me 

" when we got back here I was looking forward for me and Leo to get more close but stupid me I have been attracted to Keith I don't know why I let Keith court me, when I saw Leo hanging out with Sam I feel like I was left behind but the mere fact I was the one who abandoned not just Leo but all of you first, I have no choice but to face what I started, I was so into Keith to the fact that I hurt Leo , not minding of the promise that we still have, when I knew Leo and Sam are dating it hurts me a lot to the extent that I blame my self for not being honest to him. . I knew that Keith is just using me but what can I do , it's already here I messed up big time, I have no choice but to convince my self to be happy for Leo even it hurts me a hundred times, no matter what happens we still have to stand with our promise even it hurts so much seeing him happy with someone else " 

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