A Fight of the Meisters.

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Inspired by a scene from The Folk of the Air by Holly Black.
"The cups of wine," he says "But how did you know which one I would choose?"
"I didn't," I tell him, thinking that he'll be at least a little pleased by the answer, despite himself. It is the kind of strategy he likes best. "I poisoned them both."
- The Cruel Prince, Holly Black


A grand ball was held in the same place Kidd had his birthday party months prior. But instead of symmetrical balloons and streamers there was instead round tables big enough to hold 6 people and a chandelier made of intricate shapes and details. It costing more than Maka was worth.

Instead of Maka's normal skirt and tie she wore a black dress similar to the one she wore to Kidd's birthday but instead it was an open back. The dress staying up by the crisscross design on her back. Paired with a flowery black lace.

"You look.." Soul's sentence trailed off when he first got a glimpse of Maka's done up look. One he rarely saw.

For Soul himself he would a black tuxedo paired with a crimson red tie and black dress up shoes that still hadn't been worn enough to feel comfortable.


They walked in side by side and found their group of people. Black Star, Tsubaki, Kidd, Liz, Patty, and even Crona although they weren't much of a social butterfly.

They talked and joked into the night until it was time for the main event, the fight of the meisters.

Name after name as called and some came out with a smile, crying, or injured. Then Maka's and Soul's turn rolled around.

Them being the last of their group. An announcement called, "Maka Albarn and Soul Evans report to the main floor." The winning contestant stood on the floor reeking with overconfidence. A man with a name Maka didn't remember.

Sid stood in the middle of the floor preparing the stage for what could seem to an outsider a wrestling match. Yet it wasn't. A fight of the meisters was about to ensue.

"Y'all are seriously going to make me fight a girl? She's so little and fragile I'll break her before I even get warmed up." The man loudly said. To add to his reeking overconfidence he also smelled heavily of BO. Making anyone gag if they get to close. Saying as if anyone would.

His weapon being a classic spear didn't have much to say.

"Excuse me?" Maka grits. Her anger oozing out of her pores.

"Uh oh." Soul put his hands up in instinct to prove his innocence. His innocence being undeniable.

"You heard me woman. Get off the stage and leave it to the men." He took a few steps forward until he was face to face to Maka. His stench clogging her nose.

"Soul." She turned to her own partner and ignored the large disgusting man in front of her.

"Yea?" He quickly said, the know of the wrath of angry Maka and was glad he was not the one getting it this time around.

"Do you remember after we beat the kishin Asura I told you how he said I had weapon blood?" She tried to smile yet it coated with ill intentions. Not for Soul but for some other unfortunate someone.

"Yes. We've never tried it before."

"Now I want to."

"Whatever the lady wants." He stood at the side. Them holding hands and Maka becoming an unfamiliar scythe weapon.

"What the fuck... WITCH!!" The man hollered. Him starting to back away, large steps backwards.

"What am I supposed to do now Maka?" Soul asked her watching as the scythe felt like nothing in his hand. Yet could be so heavy for other people. Instead of her scythe being black and red like his, hers was black and a light grey. Similar but very different.

"What I always do you with you, I guess.. whatever feels most natural." She spoke to him.

'What feels most natural to him is him being the weapon instead of himself being the meister.' He kept it to himself not wanting to stir her up even more than she actually is.

Sid backed away from the middle and once he was towards the left and he blew a whistle.

"3..2..1.. FIGHT!"

Soul lunged forward. This being unfamiliar to him. He acted on instinct as the hunky man twice his weight and height collected himself and sprung into battle.

Soul knew he wasn't nearly as flexible as Maka and he wasn't as agile either. So he did what he did know. He stayed closer to the ground. Slicing him once in the stomach. Getting behind the man. Making the metal ball of the scythe meet the man's knees and calf's. He doubled forward and bled. He was still alive and breathing. Just slightly injured. Ok maybe a little more than slightly.


After returned from being patched up at the infirmary the man entered the ballroom. Him scanning the room for a familiar face he was fuming with rage for. He caught the sight of Maka and Soul making small talk with other students. He came storming over his feet hitting the floor with a loud thud.

Once he got close enough he yelled. "YOU." He said pointing at her. His face becoming redder by the second.

"Oh why me?" Maka retaliated in a mocking tone. Her hand resting on her chest.

"You humiliated me!" He screamed. Now the whole ballroom was quiet tuning in on a loud conversation in front of them.

"You humiliated your own self. By thinking you're so much better than me because you're a man and I'm a woman." Maka crossed her arms in front of her.

A table near the two laid two wine glass with a red liquid in them. It being a crimson color. That Maka had to bride Soul not to touch and gave up after he wasn't allowed an explanation as to why he couldn't have it.

"Take this as a token of my apology for your fragile ego." She uncrossed her arms and gestured to the two glasses. They looked the same no matter how you looked at them.

"Well thank you." The man said. A hint of suspicion leaked from him that he did not voice. He took the glass closest to Maka. His suspicion agreeing that this was the best option.

She took the other wine glass and put it up to her lips and drank and he soon followed his eyes closing. She drank from it, it should be fine. Right?

His eyes shot open and the wine glass fell from his hands the glass shattering on the floor.

"You- you poisoned me!" He stammered and coughed bringing his hands to his throat. It burning with the poison.

"How did you know which one I would choose?" He said through harsh coughs then continued to cough.

"I didn't. I poisoned them both." A smirk plastered on Maka's face as a new empty wine glass made its way back on the table. A shared shock broke out in the room.

"That's why." Soul realized a sharp toothy smile on his face.

"It's a treatable poison. It won't kill him." She shrugged.

"What about you?" He asked a hand finding its way onto her shoulder.

"I'll be fine Soul. Been taking a little of poison every night to build up an immunity." She smiled, genuinely this time.

Her words didn't register in his mind. Except that she would be just fine.

"Wait huh,"

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