Walking away.

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Inspired by the song Waiting Room by Phoebe Bridgers.

Maka thought that she should've been used to people walking away. Her own mother walked out of her life when she was young and her father did the same still lingering enough for bystanders to say he was involved in her life. People walking in and out of her life. Passing by her as they would on a sidewalk or a marked point on a road trip. Tourists and visitors just being there for a short time then to continue on their journey. The bigger picture that Maka was never apart of.

Soul and Maka had argued the night of. Words that shouldn't of been said left Soul's mouth and words that should've been said didn't leave Maka's.

She should've called after him. She should've reached for him. She should've tried harder. She should've... she should've.

A constant loop that never would stop nor finish. Thinking of all the possibilities of what she should've done instead of what she did do.

What she did do was crumble. She crashed and burned. She screamed. Her knees hitting their living floor with a heavy thud. Tears streaming down her porcelain skin. Her emerald eyes clouded over by unshed tears. Her head falling in front of her knees. She screamed until her throat was raw. The pigtails that she had been wearing as a hairstyle since she was little hit the floor them seeming to be a halo around her.

Yet she was no angel. She believed she was the devil herself. Her intentions being cloaked with her own insecurities. Them seeping through the cracks of her mask. The confident and organized mask. The one that was starting to slip.

When Soul stormed out of the apartment he unknowingly took the mask with him. Now she was left bare with no one or anything to hide behind.

Now when the cool air hit him on his face. The air that was filled with micro chips that scraped his cheeks. Even with his usual hoodie and sweats he was still cold. Freezing even. Tears rolled down his cheeks with no thought of stopping any time soon. He tried to cover them. He tried to block them. Just as he did with every other emotion he had. Building up a stone wall until no one could climb over it.

Until a blonde girl with a pick axe came charging in. Breaking the stone walls he put up around his heart piece by piece until he was left defenseless. Knowing it would take years to come to build up those walls again. To find all the pieces Maka had scattered across. Hiding them from him in a way. Staking her claim in a way. Telling him, reassuring him, that she was here to stay.

Now he was walking away from all he's ever wanted. From meeting when they were eleven, to her shining a light down on him proving to him that he was no longer in his older brother's shadow.

He knew Maka's abandonment issues and now he was proving to her that no one would stay long enough. Long enough being forever or a few years. Enough years to matter. Proving to her that no one would stay at all.

He knew that they were better together. Made more sense together. As did peanut butter and jelly, salt and pepper, black and white, and Fire and Water.

They were the embodiment of yin and yang.

Now peanut butter would have to find another jelly or maybe even honey or bananas. Salt would have to find another spice to complement it. White would have to find something else to counterbalance it. Maybe Gray would get the chance it's always wanted. Fire would have to give Air or Earth a shot. Maybe it would work out for them

Maybe even a hundred shots before someone, something worked. But nothing would beat jelly, pepper, black, or Water.

As Soul's black blood flowed through his veins he couldn't synthesize with Maka. She would be infested and no longer the Maka he's always known. The stubborn as hell Maka. The reader, the smart, or the lover she was. She would disintegrate as the black blood concerted her red blood cells. Her becoming less Maka and more someone else that Soul didn't want to think of as the days flew by.

Soul didn't want to phantom of that possibility so he walked away.

He walked out of Maka's life as quietly as he entered it.

"Know it's for the better, Maka." He said to no one and everyone that would listen.

He kept walking and never looked back.

𝗦𝗼𝘂𝗹 𝘅 𝗠𝗮𝗸𝗮 𝗢𝗻𝗲𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘁(𝘀)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora