82. Contentment.?

Start from the beginning

He kissed your shoulder "Do you need any help?"

You give him a warning gaze and push him "No need, can you not stare like that?" he was despised because you didn't want his company here.

Jungkook nodded "Alright, Mrs Jeon.."

You just gave birth to his son, .. in the next second, he rolled off the bed, you blankly looked at him "Where are you going?"

He went into the bathroom without looking back "Take a shower." then he closed the door.

He thought of teasing you but his wife was off mood and put away his bad thoughts, it would be uncomfortable, he have to adjust himself.

The night was very deep and the noise that belongs to the night gradually faded away, Jungkook didn't sleep but continued to guard, he barely closed his eyes as child would cry with no time, there was a layer of harsh black under his eyes and his throat was hoarse when he spoke, you felt a little heartache.

"Go to sleep." you suggest him.


"I'm Kim Rowoon then why baby brother is 'Jeon Eunwoo'?" Rowoon pouted, the reason why his surname was after his mother's because he hadn't taken his daddy's surname.

You felt a little awkward after being reminded by Rowoon, you hadn't thought about this before and didn't paid any attention to it, now that you had realized what was going on, you quickly looked at Jungkook.

The rule that a child should be taken after his father's surname was a tacit agreement, therefore you didn't know what Jungkook was thinking right now, he had tacitly acknowledge Rowoon's name.

Your gaze coincidentally meet Jungkook's deep eyes and those eyes carried warmth "What's wrong?" he asked "That surname..." it was little difficult to say...

"It doesn't matter..." he sat beside you as his lips carried a faint smile "It's pretty good on Rowoon, after all it was you, who gave birth to him."

What's wrong with it if Child wanted to have mother's surname instead of father's?

Anyway, after the marriage... you're called by his surname and your little baby adopted that, so you wanted Rowoon to accepted it as well."

Anyway, tbe last name is just a code, nothing really matter, to you and Jungkook... fame and fortune were not worth mentioning at all, both only hoped to live a peaceful life in the future with two sons, you didn't think about anything else.

Jungkook have no opposition, instead he looked at you with a loving smile.

Rowoon have your surname and Eunwoo have his, changing the surname wasn't something that could be done in a shirt while, so later he will find someone to settle this matter.

Giving birth to Eunwoo was much easier to you than Rowoon, it was probably because at that time, your heart was depressed and there was no father of child's encouraging you, so your day was vivid and colorless but now that you saw Jungkook panicking at the process of giving birth and trying hard to calm himself down and deal with it, his hands was trembling..

You felt that the world was filled with all kinds of wonderful colors, you have someone that was afraid of losing you.

Jungkook's reaction was always faster than yours of getting up when he heard baby crying but every time he failed to coax baby, Rowoon was also doing silly things to make his baby brother happy.

He's trying to learn many things, how to handle child like it's his first ever time, seeing tiny body of his own blood.

While you're focusing on feeding little bean, you happened to inhale unpleasant smell, you wanted to carried out child to change his diaper, Jungkook came closer "What do you want? Let me do it."

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